Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #45: Top 10 Graphic Novels I Need to Read as Soon as Possible!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

YAY!!!!  My most favorite subject in the world...GRAPHIC NOVELS!!  This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is "Top 10 Favorite Visual Books - Picture Books, Comics or Graphic Novels" and since I have already gushed over picture books enough already, I have decided to do a top 10 list on "Top 10 Graphic Novels I Need to Read As Soon as Possible" because like picture books, I have also done like over a million topics regarding my most recommended graphic novels and I wanted to do a list on the graphic novels or manga I haven't read yet, but I would love to!

So here's my top 10 Graphic Novels I Need to Read as Soon as Possible (in no particular order)!

1. Watchmen by Alan Moore
 Why?  Because this is like the "Godfather" of comic books and I need to read the "Godfather" of comic books to complete my own comic book collection! 

2. Ms. Marvel : Generation Why Volume 2 by G. Willow Wilson

YAY!!!! Fist pumped for another Ms. Marvel comic!  I loved the first volume of Ms. Marvel : No Normal, so HECK YEAH I'm reading this baby this year!
3. Gotham Central by Ed Brubaker and Greg Rucka

First of all, #1 Batman fan here!  Second of all, there are like so many awesome reviews about this series, so of course this is going to be on my "GOT TO READ NOW" lists!

4. Lumberjanes by N.D. Stevenson

Of course I loved reading Nimona, so if there's a chance that I can get my itty bitty paws on another N.D. Stevenson graphic novel, then "Lumberjanes" tops the list!

5. Fullmetal Alchemist by

Yeah, yeah, I've already seen the anime a couple of times, so I know the story.  But, let's see if the manga can own the anime series like a boss! 
6. Archie Volume 2 by Mark Waid
I got to admit, that first Archie volume got me hooked on this new reboot series (which is rare because I have this love/hate relationship with reboots in general). So I definitely can't wait to see "The New Adventures of Archie Andrews and the Gang Part 2!"

7.  The Amazing Spiderman : Kraven's Last Hunt by

How could you not read this graphic novel, you're probably asking yourself right now. I know, I know, I seriously need to read this beloved "Spider-Man" classic as soon as possible!
8. Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen
You know what?  We need more graphic novels that relate to the average adult mind, so of course I'm picking this "unique specimen of a graphic novel" up to find out what kind of life lessons I can get out of this graphic novel!

9. The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman
Hey!  Here's a good old graphic novel about a zombie apocalypse, a hero who's out there kicking zombie butt and...hey, wait a minute...I haven't read this series yet haven't I?


10. Astro City by Kurt Busiek
Wow, this seems like one unique superhero series that I should have read years ago, BUT STILL HAVEN'T!!!!

Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2017.

Monday, January 30, 2017

New Releases on the Horizon #13: January 29, 2017 - February 4, 2017

Hey everyone!  I just started this new thing on my blog called "New Releases on the Horizon!"  It's where I list all the new books being release throughout the year and I choose from 10 books that I have the most interest in checking out and I also will list the dates the books will be released and where you can find them if you are interested.

So, be on the lookout for some new books on the horizon!

Caraval (Caraval #1) by
Expected Publication: January 31st, 2017 by Flatiron Books

Dawn Study (Soulfinders #3) by

Wires and Nerve, Volume 1 (Wires and Nerve #1) by Marissa Meyer
Expected Publication: January 31st, 2017 by Feiwel & Friends
Expected Publication: January 31st, 2017 by Harlequin Teen

By Your Side by
Expected Publication: January 31st, 2017 by Harper Teen

The Careful Undressing of Love by
Expected publication: January 31st, 2017 by Dutton Books for Young Readers

Expected publication:  January 31st, 2017 by Disney Press
Our Own Private Universe by
Expected publication:  January 31st 2017 by Harlequin Teen

January 31st, 2017 by Avon
Expected publication: January 31st, 2017 by Avon

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Blog Tour + Book Blitz: Court of Vampires by Megan Linski



Court of Vampires 
Megan Linski
(The Shifter Prophecy #1)

Publication date: January 31st 2017
Genres: Mythology, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Vampires and werewolves shouldn’t fall in love.

Lysandra was born for one reason; to kill shifters. Princess of vampires, the heir to Vlad Dracula’s throne and the last descendant of Princess Anastasia, Lysandra lives in a castle of witches and human slaves,engaged to a dark vampire prince and prophesied as the one who will end the war between vampires and werewolves forever.

Everything changes when Lysandra finds a dying werewolf. She takes him into her care and quickly falls in love, unable to explain the magical connection between them. If she’s discovered, she will be put to death. But how can she stop the war when her worst enemy is her true love?

A heart-stopping love story filled with shocking twists, Court of Vampires is a thrilling young adult fantasy that readers will devour over and over again. The legend of what really happened to the Romanov family is retold in Megan Linski’s newest haunting paranormal romance.


Megan Linski is the owner of Gryfyn Publishing and has had a passion for writing ever since she was a little girl. Her specializations are romance, fantasy, and contemporary fiction for teens and adults. When not writing, she enjoys ice skating, horse riding, and being outdoors. She is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness and suicide prevention, and is an active fighter against common variable immune deficiency disorder.

In December 2016, Megan signed a deal with Amazon's Kindle Press for her Kindle Scout Winner, Court of Vampires, due to be published 2017. You can find Megan at www.meganlinski.com, and receive a FREE book, The Witch's Curse, by signing up for her VIP List there.

Megan Linski also writes under the pen name of Natalie Erin for the Creatures of the Lands Series, co-authored with Krisen Lison.


Blog Tour + Book Blitz: Revelations by T. Marie Alexander



T. Marie Alexander
Publication date: January 27th 2017
Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult
Have you ever craved something so badly that all reason was just an excuse getting in your way?

Have you needed something so desperately that you didn’t care how you got it or who you hurt in the process?

I have—and not that long ago.


Acceptance… from family and friends…

Acceptance of the person I am inside and not outright rejection.

It didn’t come easily for me, and now I believe the world needs to know just how ruthless life can be. How that overwhelming yearning for acceptance can mold you into someone you don’t recognize when you look in the mirror. I’m through hiding behind one façade after another—it’s time for the world to meet the real me.

~Antoinette Justice

I turn the music off, turn to face him, and ask, “What is it?”

“I don’t know watcha talkin’ ’bout,” is all he says. Now, I could leave it alone and let him talk to me when he wants, but there’s no fun in that.

“Come on, Brad. Spit it out.”

He doesn’t spit it out, just keeps driving us wherever we’re going. When we leave town, I give up on talking to him. He’s impossible when he gets like this. It almost makes me wish I hadn’t started talking to him. Okay, so that’s a pretty terrible lie. My life got immensely better once I allowed Brad to take over, but when he gets like this, it is frustrating. I know what he’s upset about. Just want the thunder to be over so we can get back to the sunshine and rainbows.

After two hours of driving in silence, we finally make a stop at a funky looking shop with a day glow sign that reads, “I tell your past, present, future.” I glance over to Brad, a little worried. He brought me to a freakin’ fortuneteller. I hope he knows they are a bunch of con artists.

“I use ta come here for advice.” He finally says something to me. It’s not what I want to hear. This is ridiculous. But I don’t tell him that. “I think ya need some advice ’bout life.”

“Not from a con artist.”

“She’s not a con artist. Madame Mercy is different. She sees into ya soul. And she doesn’t charge.”


Madame Mercy? There’s no way I will ever talk to someone named Madame Mercy. She sounds like the Wicked Witch of the West. And a fortuneteller who doesn’t charge has to be up to something.

She’s probably worse than the ones that do. Either way, there is no way I’m stepping foot into this overly hippied out acid house. I sit back in the seat, which I swear has other life forms growing on it, and cross my arms. If he wants me to go inside that whacko’s shop, he’s gonna have to drag me inside, kicking and screaming. I’m not goin’.

“Take me home,” I demand.
“No, Anna. Ya goin’. I’m tired of watchin’ ya destroy ya life. You’re better than dat.”

“This isn’t ’bout life. This is about Kaz and everyone else.”

“If by everyone else, you mean Nick.”

My face heats up at the mention of Nick. I shouldn’t be attracted to a married man. I know the consequences of wanting a married man. Besides the obvious, he’s a teacher and I’m only fifteen, being attracted to him will only derail my progress with Kaz. What I don’t understand is why Brad cares so much. He’s been getting on to me nonstop about older guys. Women are allowed to be attracted to older guys. Where is it written that is some taboo thing? I know I can’t do anything, not that I want to. I’m not ready for that. But there is nothing wrong with being friends. I want friends. I need friends. And they give me that.

“There’s something ’bout ya that makes a good guy give into temptation.”

T. Marie Alexander lives in Arkansas. She can be found sitting at a computer on any given day, usually writing or looking up something to do with fashion. When she is not doing either of those things, she’s reading on her Kindle or binge watching Roswell on Netflix time and time again. She shares her apartment with her husband and some annoying ghost that like to take her belongings. Her dream of becoming an author started around the age of seven when she would glue small pages together and write about her favorite thing at the time, boy band crushes. T. Marie writes Young Adult Science Fiction and Paranormal Fiction.


Blog Tour + Book Blitz: Celtic Fire by Liz Gavin



Celtic Fire 
Liz Gavin
(Highland Celts Series, #1)

Publication date: January 31st 2017
Genres: Adult, Historical, Paranormal Romance
This is a standalone, historical/paranormal romance. Its mature themes – violence, religious war, and pagan rituals – might not be appropriate for audiences under 18.

When ancient gods ruled and Druids kept Faith alive, the Celts thrived as a democratic, matriarchal society. Then savage Roman soldiers swept across Europe, killing and enslaving. The Celts did not succumb without a fight. Their Old Ways survived centuries of ruthless domain until another menace loomed: a tortured god worshiped in cold stone buildings. The sacred shores of Avalon began to drift away, the mists threatened to hide the island from mortal eyes forever.

Against the bleak backdrop of war, the gorgeous Scottish Highlands stood tall, sheltering its inhabitants from greedy invaders. Yet the reach of the eagle banners was long and the highlanders turned to the Goddess for protection. However, the sacred groves felt silent and grim as Avalon faded away. Once sad, pealing bells began to sound strangely comforting while the high walls of monasteries offered an alluring barrier from violence. Caught in the middle of this centuries-old war, a young High Priestess might be Avalon’s last chance.

Wise beyond her years and powerful like no other Priestess in her lifetime, Rowen had served the Goddess faithfully, forsaking her family and the company of her soulmate. When the Lady of the Lake asks for another sacrifice, it might be one too many for her scarred heart. How could she obey the Goddess without betraying Caddaric? Could she trust Eochaid, who embodied everything she despised and hated? Would she be able to fulfill her duties without losing her soul?

Caddaric had been Rowen’s companion in countless lives; but, now, they existed in different realms. Beautiful Rowen lived in the mortal world while sweet Caddaric remained in the sacred isle of Avalon, watching over her. Could he step aside to allow another man – a flesh and blood man – to become her protector?

Eochaid had sworn to protect the Old Ways. The rude warrior never quite understood his faith yet his loyal heart belonged to the Goddess. A gorgeous, fiery High Priestess was not in his plans. He would risk his life to protect Rowen; but, would the Goddess safeguard his heart? Could he defend the bewitching maiden from himself?

When stakes were so high that a simple mistake could cost their very world, a priestess, a Druid, and a warrior must learn to trust each other and the mysterious ways of the Goddess. Their success would save Avalon. Their failure would tear the island from the human realm forever, condemning it to oblivion.
Failure was not an option.

Although my heart is heavy and my thoughts are gloomy, I take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand. I search for the sacred oak, the oldest tree in the grove. Finding it, I lie on the ground, face down, in front of the revered tree. Earth’s energy radiates from the ground, traveling through my body and limbs, filling me with a potent magnetism, and making my skin tingle as I say my prayer.

“Forgive me, Great Mother. I have failed you yet again. I am your vessel on this realm and as such I should never doubt your ways. Nevertheless, when the time came for Caddaric to go back to Avalon, I despaired and fought against the inevitable, as I always do.

Please, give me strength to control my weak heart, wisdom to understand your signs, and courage to do your bidding.”

The wind picks up around me making the dry leaves and little twigs swirl. Faint whispers come in the breeze. A thousand gentle fingers move over my body caressing, soothing me.

“Oh, Mother, you are too kind and never abandon me. I promise to serve you faithfully and perform my duties accordingly from now on.”

The wind blows stronger, molding my clothes to my body, covering me in dry leaves. I feel faint and when I open my eyes, I’m not in the sacred grove any longer. I’m lying on a sunny field, there’s a gentle breeze blowing from the distant line of apple trees, bringing the sweet smell of their flowers in full bloom. Recognizing my beloved isle of Avalon, I get up and look around. I see the Lady of the Lake standing just a few feet away. I go to her and offer a curtsy. The Lady gently holds me by my shoulders, smiles serenely and holds my gaze. Not for the first time, I wonder if her eyes can read my soul.

“Rise, Rowen, my child. And do not cry. You should rejoice over your successes instead of mourning what you perceive as failures. Your apprentices look up to you and seek your guidance, because your advice is wise and respectful. The villagers worship the Great Mother according to the old traditions, because they follow your firm yet kind leadership. Despite being so young, my beautiful Rowen, you are wise and your people respect you.”

I am touched by her words. I never expected the Lady of the Lake herself would answer my prayer and come talk to me, comfort me.

“You are too kind, my lady. I am honored and, although I think I do not deserve your comfort, I am thankful.”

“I speak only the truth, Rowen, as all true servants of the Goddess shall do. Now, you will not like what I need to tell you. You have always been loyal to your vows and I count on that loyalty to see you through the task I need you to undertake.”

“You frighten me, my lady. What do you need from me? You know I would never deny you, or the Great Mother, anything.”


International best-selling author Liz Gavin, has accomplished much in her short career. Her books have made to #1 and Top Five best-selling ranks in her home country Brazil and others as diverse as Japan, the UK and the US; both in English and Portuguese, collecting 5 and 4-star reviews. Nominated for a Summer Indie Book Award in 2016, and again in 2017, this RWA member constantly seeks new opportunities to improve her craft.

This thirst for knowledge propelled Liz to leave the comforts of family and friends in Brazil and move to California to pursue a Master’s degree in late 2015. She lives in sunny SoCal, where she’s researching the writing process, for her thesis, in hopes to figure out why she creates in English instead of her native Portuguese.

Liz Gavin writes in contemporary, paranormal, and historical genres. In her sexy stories, one finds smart, independent women, who don’t need rescuing by knights in shining armor, but indulge in steamy action with swoony Alpha males with big hearts. She also writes about women discovering their sexuality and finding happiness in unconventional setups.


The Sunday Post Meme (72)

Hey everybody! I am participating in a book meme called the Sunday Post which is being hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer! The goal of this meme is to share news you have on various books and things you’ve read or received and also talk about what is coming up for your blog! Book hauls can include library books , yard sale finds, arcs and bought books and you can share these finds with other book bloggers!

Hello everyone!  Not much has really happened this past week as I'm still settling into my new job, although I am trying to make a new daily schedule for myself to follow so I can have better organization when it comes to doing my daily chores such as cleaning the house and preparing my lunch for my job.

Book Reviews

Top Ten Tuesday #44: (FREEBIE) Top 10 Books from my TBR Pile I Need to Read!


Book Photo Sundays Meme!


Looking for New Guest Posts! 


My TBR List!



Comic Book Bingo Challenge 2017 Sign Up! 



One Word: BUSY!



Join in Caffeinated Book Reviewer's March Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge!


Join in Because Reading's newest challenge Author Love Challenge Sign Up!


Check out For the Love of Words' Recommended Reading 101: Reality TV!


Well, that's the Sunday News for today and I will have more news for the various books I've read in the near future!
Posted on Sunday, January 29, 2017.