Vampire Creed
Rain Grey
Publication date: May 21st 2016
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Barnaby Blaine Rice was a Vampire born in the depression with a very special power to see who people truly were. After a long, empty existence of witnessing the darkest points of humanity, Blaine happens to encounter a beautiful married woman named Mary Slate. Unable to handle his love for the beautiful human, Blaine accidentally kills another Vampire over her and is put under a serious debt with the Vampire Council.
Blaine reluctantly forces himself to forget the woman and allows her to live her life without his intervention. It wasn’t until 50-years-later that the distant memories of the captivating Mary are brought back to the surface. Blaine has the pleasure to encounter the young Wendy Slate, granddaughter of Mary Slate after a criminal vampire keeps her hostage. Blaine got there in time to stop the criminal, but not to stop the beginning of Wendy’s transition into Vampirism.
As he was forced to sire her into this new world, he discovers that Wendy is the most amazing person he’d ever met. Wendy has to make a life-altering decision as Blaine has to deal with his blooming feelings for a woman who was identical to his first love. This modern love story introduces the most influential turning point of these lover’s lives.
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Wendy Slate
I got to the library minutes before nine thirty, Archer walking a few feet behind me.
“Of course I do. I’m a vampire and your bodyguard.”
Rolling my eyes, I paused, letting him catch up to me before wrapping my arm around his. “It wouldn’t hurt to smile. Next thing I know, someone is going to report you to campus security and have you kicked out. Then you won’t be much of a bodyguard, will you?”
This time he rolled his eyes, but he did relax his facial features.
Together we walked up the steps. My group was meeting in a study room on the third floor. When we arrived at the room, only Jason was there. Opening the door alerted him of our arrival and he looked up with a smile.
Wait a second. For a split second, it looked like he was glaring at Archer. His expression changed so fast I wasn’t too sure I saw right, even with my keener eyesight since becoming a vampire.
“Who’s this? New boyfriend already?” he asked, a smile on his lips.
Brushing away my suspicions, I shook my head. “He’s a friend. He goes to school here too. Engineering major. Fifth year.”
I was quite impressed with myself having come up with a lie on my toes. I was going to introduce Archer as a friend anyway, but Jason question kind of caught me off guard.
Jason nodded, accepting my words. “The other two said it will be a while before they get here. They wanted to stop by their dorm first,” he spared another glance at Archer. “Will he be staying?”
In response to that, Archer plopped himself into a chair in the corner of the room. “You won’t even know I’m here,” he said before taking out his cell phone.
I had a feeling that wouldn’t be the truth if he planned on continuing watching his wrestling show. Ignoring him, I sat at the table across from Jason.
“I started developing some samples for the project,” I stated as I took my notebook and laptop from my backpack.
I started to go over what I had so far with him briefly as well as sharing our other ideas. Though, honestly, I was ready to leave before I even got here. I still had yet to convince Archer to take me to where Theo had brought me. And by not convince, I meant not even approach to the subject. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I was guarding my thoughts so Archer would be none the wiser.
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