Hey everyone! Books from the Backlog is a book meme that is hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books and it's a way to feature books that has been sitting on your bookshelf for years and hasn't been read yet.
This week's neglected book:
The Boy Who Steals Houses
By: C.G. Drews
Publication Date: April 4th, 2019
Publisher: Orchard Books
Can two broken boys find their perfect home?
Sam is only fifteen but he and his autistic older brother, Avery, have been abandoned by every relative he's ever known. Now Sam's trying to build a new life for them. He survives by breaking into empty houses when their owners are away, until one day he's caught out when a family returns home. To his amazement this large, chaotic family takes him under their wing - each teenager assuming Sam is a friend of another sibling. Sam finds himself inextricably caught up in their life, and falling for the beautiful Moxie.
But Sam has a secret, and his past is about to catch up with him.
Why did I add The Boy Who Steals Houses to my bookshelf?
I actually own C.G. Drews' (PaperFury's) book "A Thousand Perfect Notes" and even though I haven't read that book yet, I am excited to try out her newest book "The Boy Who Steals Houses" pretty soon!
Have you read A Darker Shade of Magic? And would you recommend this book? Please comment down below!