Saturday, July 6, 2019

[ARC REVIEW] Who Stole the Hazelnuts? by Marcus Pfister (@NorthSouthBooks )

Title:  Who Stole the Hazelnuts?

Author:  Marcus Pfister

Genre:  Children's / Animals / Humor

Year Published: 2019

Year Read:  2019

NorthSouth Books   

Source:  eARC (NetGalley)

Content Rating:  Ages 5+ (Nothing Objectionable)

Buy on:  Amazon  //  Book Depository 

I would like to thank NetGalley and NorthSouth Books for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I have been looking for some interesting children’s books to read for 2019.  So, I went to NetGalley to seek out some children’s books and I found Marcus Pfister’s children’s book “Who Stole the Hazelnuts?”  And man, was it such a hilarious read!

Everything in the forest was nice and quiet until a piercing scream is heard throughout the forest.  The scream belongs to the squirrel and it turns out that his hazelnuts were stolen!  So, the squirrel went around the forest trying to find the true culprit of this crime!

Will the squirrel find his hazelnuts?

Read this book to find out!

I have never read any of Marcus Pfister’s books before, especially the “Rainbow Fish” series (even though I have seen the TV series).  So, this was the first book that I had read by him and I was pretty impressed by this book!  Marcus Pfister has done an excellent job at both writing and illustrating this book as the story is both hilarious and mysterious at the same time.  I was wondering throughout the whole book about who actually stole the squirrel’s hazelnuts and I was quite surprised by the ending!  I also loved Marcus Pfister’s artwork as it is both gorgeous and hilarious to look at as the squirrel’s facial expressions are a bit exaggerated whenever he looks so surprised.

The only slight problem that I have with this book was that the squirrel started accusing his forest friends a little too easily.  I would have thought that he would have given more thought to the situation instead of just accusing his friends without any evidence.

Overall, “Who Stole the Hazelnuts?” was a truly hilarious and mysterious book that children who love reading about mysteries with a hilarious twist will read over and over again!  I would recommend this book to children ages four and up since there is nothing inappropriate in this book, unless you find the squirrel’s accusations against the other animals a little troubling.

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