Friday, December 4, 2015

Comic Book Bingo Challenge 2016


 Hey everyone!  It's nearly 2016 and I have decided to go ahead and do sign ups for the 2016 Comic Book Bingo Challenge!  Anyone who loves reading graphic novels or comic books in general are free to sign up early for the 2016 Comic Book Bingo Challenge!  Here are a few rules to go by for this challenge:


  • The challenge runs from January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 and you can sign up any time to participate in this challenge.
  • You can read any kind of comic book or graphic novel for this challenge as long as they meet the choices in the board.
  • Make a post that states that you are participating in this challenge and state how many boxes on the board you are trying to fill in.  You don't necessarily have to complete the whole bingo board, you can read up to as many comic books and graphic novels as you like for this challenge.
  • Sign up for this challenge down below:
This is a challenge for comic book fans alike!

(Linkup closed)

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