Thursday, July 7, 2022

Suggest some themes for the Cover Spotlight Meme!


Hey everyone!  So, you guys may have noticed that I have just recently jumpstarted a new book meme series called "Cover Spotlight" where you get to showcase your favorite book covers every Sunday!  Well, I decided to let you guys choose some themes that we could do for the upcoming Cover Spotlight posts!  All you have to do is suggest in the comments down below what other themes you guys want to do for the next Cover Spotlight and I will list your name in the next few posts for being the one who suggested the theme.  Themes can range from: yellow book cover, book cover featuring skulls, book cover with a face on it and more!

I can't wait to see what suggestions you guys make for the next post for the Cover Spotlight Meme!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Book Photo Sundays #125: July 3, 2022

Hello everyone! Welcome to "Book Photo Sundays" where you get the chance to showcase photos of your books, bookshelves and book conventions you have gone to!  The goal of this book meme is to basically just post up a photo of the various books you have read or your book hauls on your blog and link back here so that way everyone can check out your wonderful book photos!  You can get your book photos through your Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Iphone or any other account where you can get your photos!


So let's get started!

Hey everyone! Welcome to another Book Photo Sundays!  I know that I haven't been doing any Book Photo Sundays for the past few weeks, but that was because I was very busy with my YouTube and Twitch channels for the past few weeks.  But hopefully, I can get back on schedule with Book Photo Sundays and here are my photos of the week!

Cover Spotlight #42: July 3rd, 2022 - July 10th, 2022

Hey everyone!  I just created a new book meme called "Cover Spotlight" where you get to showcase your favorite book covers!  It can be a book cover from a book you've read years ago, a book cover from a book you just recently read or a book cover from a book that you've never read before, but you still love the cover!  You can also feature multiple book covers instead of one for this meme! This is a weekly meme, which means that the meme starts every Sunday, but you have until the Sunday after that week to post your favorite covers!

To tweet your posts, use this hashtag here:


So, from this point forward, I will be doing specific themes for my cover picks of the week!  You don't have to do this for your cover picks, but for me, this would be something really exciting for me to explore with!  So, this week's theme is:


*PSST!!! If you are interested in these books, then click on the covers to go to the links to BUY these books!