
Monday, July 2, 2018

June Monthly Wrap Up (2018)

Off the Blog:

Hey everyone! Another month has gone by so fast and I can't believe that June is already over!  Quite a bit happened in June in regards to my non-bookish life!  Every June, because my dad's birthday is in June and Father's Day is also in June, me, my mom and my sisters usually try to get my dad DOUBLE the presents for both days since it would seem wrong to not give him his gifts on the appropriate days (LOL)!  Anyway, to celebrate both Father's Day and my dad's birthday, we went to Texas Roadhouse where we got him steak.  My dad loves steaks, so we figured going to Texas Roadhouse would make him happy (which it did)!  We also managed to watch both "Black Panther" and "Thor: Ragnarok" on his birthday, which I really enjoyed both movies!  My dad always wanted to watch "Black Panther" and he finally got his wish to do so and he loved the movie!  And of course, we had CAKE for my dad's birthday and it was DELICIOUS!

On the Blog:

I went back to book binging on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and 2nd and Charles and I'm not ashamed to admit it!  I managed to buy a lot of awesome books for the month such as the "Illuminae Files" series, the Daughter of the Pirate King series and the sequel to "Caraval" Legendary!  I can't wait to dive into all of these books soon!  Unfortunately, I only managed to read 3 books for this month, which I was hoping to read more books for this month, since it's summer.  But, hopefully, HOPEFULLY, I'll be able to read more books in July, now that I bought even more books to read through!  Also, I FINALLY got a new bookshelf for my room!  My old (makeshift) bookshelf was too small to carry all the books I've been buying lately and I'm loving the size of this new bookshelf (although I am debating about buying another bookshelf in the near future once I get my room more organized).  Check out my new bookshelf down below:

Books Read this Month:

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month: 


6. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (139)
7. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (140)
8. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (141)
9. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #81: June 10, 2018
10. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #82: June 17, 2018
11. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #83: June 24, 2018
12. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #52: June 16, 2018
13. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #53: June 23, 2018
18. [Fairy Tale and Folktale Fridays]  Fairy Tale and Folktale Fridays #24: The Gingerbread Man
19. [Fairy Tale and Folktale Fridays]  Fairy Tale and Folktale Fridays #25: The Tiger and the Brahmin
20. [Fairy Tale and Folktale Fridays]  Fairy Tale and Folktale Fridays #26: The Princess and the Pea





2018 Comic Book Bingo Challenge: 
2018 Discussion Challenge: 6
Monthly Key Word Challenge 2018
2018 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge: 4
2018 European Reading Challenge: 1
Pop Sugar Reading Challenge 2018 : 3
Full House Reading Challenge 2018: 4
Humor Reading Challenge 2018: 5
2018 Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge:
2018 Picture Book Reading Challenge: 10
2018 Beat the Backlist: 3
2018 Library Love: 4
Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge 2018: 5
2018 11th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge: 5
Book Bingo 2018: 4
Bookish's 2018 Reading Challenge: 2
2018 Color Coded Reading Challenge : 2
2018 Blogger Shame Challenge: 1
2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge: 1
2018 Reading Bingo Challenge: 3
2018 Reading Challenge Addict
2018 Read It Again, Sam: 5
2018 Try Something New Challenge: 4
2018 Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge: 2
Newbery Medal Challenge:

 Book Stats for June:

Total Number of Books Read: 3
Graphic Novels: 2
Young Adult Novels: 1
6 Star Reads: 1
5.5 Star Reads: 1
5 Star Reads: 1
Average Rating: 5.5
Male Authors: 2
Female Authors: 1
Unknown Authors: 0
Series: 3
Stand Alone: 0
Re-Reads: 0
Total NetGalley Books for the Year: 3
Total ARC Books for the Year: 1
Total Edelweiss Books for the Year: 2

Total Reading Alley Books for the Year: 1
Total Books for the Year: 2
Total Re-Reads for the Year: 5
Total Number of Books Read for the Year: 22

Genre Stats:

Humor: 1
Science Fiction: 1
Horror: 0
Fantasy: 0
Drama: 0
Romance: 1
Paranormal: 1
Contemporary: 0
Historical: 0
Total Science Fiction Books for the Year: 4
Total Humor Books for the Year: 10
Total Horror Books for the Year: 1
Total Fantasy Books for the Year: 4
Total Drama Books for the Year: 1
Total Romance Books for the Year: 2

Blog Stats for June: 


BEST OF THE MONTH: TIE BETWEEN: This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab and Saga Volume 7 by Brian K. Vaughan

July TBR:

* I finally finished "This Savage Song" by Victoria Schwab and I loved it!  I'm hoping to read the sequel in July and read even more books for July!

Favorite Blog Posts from Around the Blogosphere: 

☀  Cait @ Paper Fury discusses about HAPPY RELEASE DAY TO A THOUSAND PERFECT NOTES!
☀  AJ @ Read All the Things! discusses about A Brief List Of Oddities Discovered In My Email Account
☀  Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addition discusses about My Personal Connection to Pride Month, Some Recent LGBTQ+ Reads, and Integrating My Faith and LGBTQ+ Issues
☀  Jessica @ a GREAT read discusses about Favorite Reads So Far in 2018
☀  Greg @ Book Haven discusses about Do You Search For Books?  
☀  Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books discusses about It's a Cliffy!
☀  Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight has a list of SOMETIMES I WATCH SHOWS (PART 2)  
☀  Elley @ Elley the Book Otter discusses about Writing diverse characters as a white author
☀  Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight discusses about DO YOU TALK ABOUT SEX SCENES IN YOUR BOOK REVIEWS?
☀  Evelina @ Avalinah's Books discusses about Quick Q&A With C.G. Drews, AKA Cait @ Paperfury!   

This will be linked to The Book Date's Month in Review and A Cocoon of Books Best of the Bunch! 


  1. Happy birthday to your dad! I’m glad he had a good Father’s Day. I love the new bookshelf. Have a good July!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Sounds like you had an awesome June!

  3. Hope your Dad had a great Birthday. Book binging on readers is cool!

  4. Aw. Sounds like yall gave your daddy a nice night :)

  5. Your Dad's celebration days sound really special. Well done. I love that you had a buying splurge in June. Ah... so did I! It was so much fun!!

  6. No shame at all with book binging. :)

    Sounds like your dad had a great day! I haven't seen those movies yet, but I love the Marvel universe.

    Hope you are having a great week!

  7. What a thorough wrap up! thanks for sharing. Hope you like The Hate U Give - I loved it and can't wait for the movie!

  8. June is also my husband's birthday month and sometimes Father's Day lands on his birthday. I try to give him double the presents too. I just watched Black Panther and really loved it.

    I've read four on your TBR, The Hate U Give, Our Dark Duet, Wonder Woman:Warbringer and Warcross. I especially loved The Hate U Give and Warcross.

    I've wanted for ages to read Six Of Crows! If you are ever interested in a buddy read, I would be love that.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. Ooh! A buddy read! That would be interesting! I'll let you know if I have time soon!

  9. We also have so many celebrations in June here--anniversaries, birthdays, Father's Day, and an extra celebration this year with a family wedding. Your dad sounds like he had a great day full of his favorite things and people. I love your July TBR and have many of these books on my wish list.

  10. LOVE the new bookshelf! Thanks for linking up my post---I really appreciate it!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
