
Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Sunday Post Meme (74)

Hey everybody! I am participating in a book meme called the Sunday Post which is being hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer! The goal of this meme is to share news you have on various books and things you’ve read or received and also talk about what is coming up for your blog! Book hauls can include library books , yard sale finds, arcs and bought books and you can share these finds with other book bloggers!

Hello everyone!  Not much has been happening this week, other than I'm recovering from a long week of work! Whew!  Working 8 hours for 5 days a week can really take a toll on you!  Luckily, I got enough sleep on Friday to make up for missing so much sleep that week!  I just hope that I can get used to the long hours on this new job!

Book Reviews


Book Photo Sundays Meme!


Looking for New Guest Posts! 


My TBR List!



Comic Book Bingo Challenge 2017 Sign Up! 


One Word: TIRED!


Check out For the Love of Words' Recommended Reading 101: Office Romance


Check out Paper Fury's discussion on 10 Reasons Books Are Like Human Children


Check out Rabid Reads' discussion on Bookfessional: Cloudy Days and Comfort Reads


Well, that's the Sunday News for today and I will have more news for the various books I've read in the near future!
Posted on Sunday, February 12, 2017.


  1. Hope the new job goes well! Love the book photo posts, those are fun. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping to keep doing Book Photo Sundays as long as I can!

  2. Ah, sorry about the long hours, that's really hectic :( Hope you get used to it soon!
    Have a great week ahead :)

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  3. Don't worry you'll get used to it. Try 10 hours on your feet, took me forever to used to it. But you do. Good luck and have a great week!

  4. You will be used to the 40 hour week in no time. My poor husband works 12 hr days 5 days a week. It sucks!
    Have a great week!
    Samantha, The Book Disciple

  5. I LOOOOVE that you have a countdown to Now I Rise! I requested it so I hope I get approved since I LOVED book 1!!! I love you "I't tired" image :) Happy reading

  6. I'm signed up for the mini-blog ahead as well. Although I've been kind of getting a bunch done now with parent conferences at school last week. I understand getting back into the swing of full time work weeks. As a teacher I have the summers off, and I hate when our first week back is all five days. Have a great week!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  7. Hope you were able to rest this weekend. Have a great week!

  8. Those are some cute book covers. It's been a long time since I worked that many hours a week. My job is very physical and I average around 30 hrs. I had to laugh at the gif!

    My Sunday Post

  9. Hope you managed to rest up this weekend. Your random pic is awesome. :)

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  10. I hope you were able to catch up on some of your sleep! It can be hard working full-time when you aren't used to it. Heck, it can be hard even when you are! LOL I hope you are enjoying your new job. Have a great week!

  11. Sorry your hours have been so long! I hope that this week has been easier on you. Thanks for stopping by my blog this week. :)

  12. Hope you adjust to your new working hours. I like Robert McCloskey's Make Way for Ducklings, but I haven't heard of Time of Wonder. I'll have to check it out! Have a great week!
