
Monday, August 1, 2016

July Monthly Wrap Up!

Hello everyone! I've managed to get a lot of books from my TBR shelf for July, which is great for me and I've managed to check my mid year book check which everything looks good so far, although I hope to make that goal to read 100 books for this year!

Books Read this Month:

1. Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant's Tale by Duncan Tonatiuh
2.  The Storyteller by Antonia Michaelis :
3.  Saga Volume 5 by Brian K. Vaughan : 
4.  Batman: The Court of Owls Volume 1 by Scott Snyder :  ☆  1/2
5.  Anansi and the Talking Melon by Eric A. Kimmel : 

Challenges Updates:
1. Bookish Bingo: Summer 2016 : 2/25
2. Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge 2016: 4/10
3. 2016 Full House Reading Challenge: 4/25
4. 2016 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge: 2/26
5. 2016 Comic Book Bingo Challenge: 8/25
6. I Love Picture Books 2016: 14/25
7. The Mad Reviewer Reading and Reviewing Challenge 2016: 4/26
8. Summer Reading Challenge 2016: 2/10
9. Bookish Bingo Challenge 2016 : 5/35
10. 2016 9th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge:  20/52
11. 2016 Horror Reading Challenge: 0
12. NetGalley Reading Challenge: 3/10 
13. Banned Books Challenge 2016:  
14. 2016 Grown Up Reading Challenge: 2/20
15. 2016 TBR Pile Reading Challenge: 7

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month:
1. [Miscellaneous] 2016 Mid-Year Stats 
4. [Miscellaneous] Looking for New Guest Posts!
9. [Old Book Review] Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold 
11. [Sunday Post] The Sunday Post Meme (49)
12. [Sunday Post] The Sunday Post Meme (50)
13. [Sunday Post] The Sunday Post Meme (51)
14. [Sunday Post] The Sunday Post Meme (52)
15. [Sunday Post] The Sunday Post Meme (53) 
16. [Cover Characteristic] Cover Characteristic #1: Feathers
17. [Cover Characteristic] Cover Characteristic #2: Balconies
18. [Cover Characteristic] Cover Characteristic #3: Eggs 
19. [Cover Characteristic] Cover Characteristic #4: Schools 
33. [WWW Wednesdays] WWW Wednesdays #9: July 20, 2016
35. [Feature and Follow Friday] Feature and Follow Friday #30: Back to Work...
36. [Feature and Follow Friday] Feature and Follow Friday #31: The End of July
37. [Book Blogger Hop] Book Blogger Hop #1: July 8th -14th

Book Stats for July:

Total Number of Books Read: 5  

Children's Books: 2

Young Adult Book: 1

Graphic Novels: 2 

BEST OF THE MONTH: Saga Volume 5 by Brian K. Vaughan

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