
Sunday, July 2, 2017

June Monthly Wrap Up!

Hello everyone!  June has been a slow month for me in regarding reading books since I've only read 5 books this month, but the best thing about this month was that I was able to read some books from my ARC pile and I'm planning on doing the same for July!  I have also noticed that I only had one 5 star read this month, which is unusual since I usually have more 5 star reads in every month, but I guess the books this month have just been good.

Books Read this Month:

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month: 




1. [Old Book Review]  Fly Homer Fly by Bill Peet
3. [Old Book Review]  Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
4. [Old Book Review]  No, David! by David Shannon


1. Bookish Bingo: Summer 2017 : 0/25
2. Alphabet Soup Challenge 2017 : 5/26
3. Comic Book Bingo Challenge 2017 : 5/25
4. Picture Book Reading Challenge 2017 : 20/102
5. Full House Reading Challenge 2017 : 5/25
6. Banned / Challenged Books Challenge 2017 : 1/6
7. Pages Read Challenge 2017 : 2,003/12,000 pages
8. Color Coded Challenge 2017 : 4/9
9. Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge 2017 : 1/5
10. NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge 2017 : 10/25
11. 10th Annual Graphic Novel and Manga Reading Challenge 2017 : 10/52
12. Library Love Challenge 2017 : 21/36
13. Discussion Challenge 2017 : 9/20
14. Horror Reading Challenge: 1

 Book Stats for June:

Total Number of Books Read: 5
Children's Books: 3
Graphic Novels: 2
NetGalley Books: 1
ARC Books: 2
5 Star Reads: 1
4.5 Star Reads: 3
4 Star Reads: 1
Average Rating: 4.5
Male Authors: 4
Female Authors: 1
Series: 2
Stand Alone: 3
Total NetGalley Books for the Year: 10
Total ARC Books for the Year: 2
Total Number of Books Read for the Year: 35

Blog Stats for June:

Most Viewed Post: The Sunday Post Meme (90) - 96 views
Most Commented Post: The Sunday Post Meme (90) - 30 comments


BEST OF THE MONTH: Lio: Making Friends by Mark Tatulli

July TBR:

This will be linked to The Book Date's Month in Review and A Cocoon of Books Best of the Bunch! 


  1. Your July TBR pile is full of awesomeness Ronyell! I cannot believe the year is half over!

  2. Looks like a pretty good month! Awesome on getting some of the ARC pile read :)

  3. Omggg I'm SO excited for your July TBR!!! The Raven Boys is like my ultimate favourite book so I hope you enjoy it.😍 And I'm also a huge fan of Looking For Alaska and The Hate U Give. SUCH good books. *flails* I'm glad you did get one 5-star read this month at least! Here is to a good July. :D :D

  4. You have some great books lined up for July! I hope you enjoy all of them!

  5. Your July TBR looks awesome. I’m also hoping to read The Hate U Give this month. I hope we both like it!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. Like everyone I find your July TBR very exciting too!! Hope you enjoy reading them all!!

    ~Priyanka @ A Booklion's Hideaway

  7. Yessss I loved Gone Girl, Dark Matter and the Hate U Give and I hope you enjoy them too! Have a lovely month ahead!

  8. Lio looks like a really fun book. 4.5 stars - very close to 5 so a good reading month!

  9. June wasn't that great for me either but you read a 5-start! Oh I hope you get to the Hate U give soon! IT SO GOOD!!! I should get "Hola! Let's Learn Spanish: Visit New Places and Make New Friends!" for my kids and see if they FINALLY learn to speak Spanish [since it's my first language!] :)

  10. I read Looking for Alaska and enjoyed it--it was my first John Green book. I also read and loved Caraval this year--it's one of my favorites so far. I can't wait to read THUG as I've only read 5 star reviews so far.

  11. "In a Dark Room" has such a scary cover! Thanks for the post!
