
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

February Monthly Wrap Up (2019)

Off the Blog:

Hey everyone!  Now, I know that this monthly wrap up is posted up pretty late into the month, but I was so busy with many things going on in my life.  Anyway, February was a great month for me as I celebrated my birthday and watched the Super Bowl early on! The commercials were a bit better this year as me and my family got a couple of laughs out of them!  We also ate some Red Lobster (which I got my favorite meal, the Bar Lobster pasta), which was beyond delicious!  I also stopped by my old library this month.  I haven't been to my old library for awhile due to it being remodeled and I had to wait like a whole year before they finished remodeling it.  The inside looks really nice, although I can't help but miss the old designs of the library since I grew up with the older designs.  It's amazing how much things have change in my life over the years.  And the best surprise for me this month was that I was able to go to Books-a-Million to do some more book shopping!  It felt like I died and gone to heaven when I went there because I haven't been inside Books-a-Million for years and it was a joy to see all of those books lined up! I was also job hunting since my bills were getting overwhelming. Let's hope that I find a good job soon!

On the Blog:

Well, I did it! I read more books this month than I did in January (although not as much as my average reading months in February).  I also did a lot of book shopping this month and I'm happy to show off what kind of books I got this month!  Also, I have some new designs on my Society6 account and I even redid some designs since I wanted the designs to look more beautiful.  Does anyone else have a Society6 account?  If you do, please let me know so I can check out your items!

Books Read this Month:

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month: 










2019 European Reading Challenge:
2019 Beat the Backlist: 1
NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge 2019:
2019 Picture Book Reading Challenge: 3
2019 Humor Reading Challenge:
2019 Alphabet Soup Author Edition: 1

2019 Discussion Challenge:
2019 Diversity Reading Challenge: 1
2019 Color Coded Reading Challenge:
2019 Read It Again, Sam: 1
2019 12th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge: 

 Book Stats for February:

Total Number of Books Read: 3
Children's Books: 2
Adult Books: 1
5 Star Reads: 2
4.75 Star Reads: 1
Average Rating: 4.9
Male Authors: 1
Female Authors: 2
Unknown Authors: 0
Series: 1
Stand Alone: 2
Re-Reads: 1
Total NetGalley Books for the Year: 0
Total ARC Books for the Year: 2
Total Edelweiss Books for the Year: 0

Total Reading Alley Books for the Year: 0
Total Books for the Year: 0
Total Re-Reads for the Year: 1
Total Number of Books Read for the Year: 4

Genre Stats:

Humor: 1
Science Fiction: 0
Horror: 0
Fantasy: 1
Drama: 1
Romance: 1
Paranormal: 0
Contemporary: 1
Historical: 0
Total Science Fiction Books for the Year: 0
Total Humor Books for the Year: 1
Total Horror Books for the Year: 0
Total Fantasy Books for the Year: 1
Total Drama Books for the Year: 1
Total Romance Books for the Year: 1

Blog Stats for February: 

Most Commented Post: The Sunday Post Meme (163) 28 comments


BEST OF THE MONTH: The Big Jump by Benjamin Elkin

Books Bought in February:

* I got a lot of awesome books in February, which included "Queen of Air and Darkness" and "King of Scars!" I can't wait to read these books soon!

March TBR:

* I finally finished reading "The Agitated Agenda" and I really enjoyed it! It was one of the rare interracial romance novels I have read!  So for March, I added two new books in my TBR pile and I hope to read more of these books soon!

Favorite Blog Posts from Around the Blogosphere: 

☀  AJ @ Read All the Things!  discusses about The 15 Best Books I've Read In The Past 5 Years
☀  Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction discusses about An Exciting Announcement…
☀  Jessica @ a GREAT read discusses about How I Came Back to YA
☀  Greg @ Book Haven discusses about Superhero Costume Fails  
☀  Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books discusses about Book Confession: Find Another Book!!
☀  Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight has a list of HIDDEN GEM BOOKS I WANT TO READ  
☀  Wendy @ Falconer's Library discusses about Do You Wanna Be An Author?
Kimba @ Caffeinated Reviewer discusses about Cover Captions: Thicker Than Water

This will be linked to Feed Your Fiction Addiction's  Monthly Wrap Up and A Cocoon of Books Best of the Bunch! 


  1. Good luck with the job search! I’m doing that, too. The same thing happened to my library recently. It was closed forever for remodeling, but it looks great now. I hope you’re having a good March.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Better late than never! Thanks for sharing my announcement, by the way. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  3. Good luck with the job hunting--maybe by now you've had success. Birthday months are always fun, especially when you got to go to a bookstore you love.
