
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

September Monthly Wrap Up (2018)

Off the Blog:

Hey everyone! I can't believe that September is already over!  Not much really happened in September, other than what was going on with Hurricane Florence and that we went to the Greek Festival in South Carolina.  I was so happy that Hurricane Florence didn't really hit us (although the worst we got was some bad weather).  But, I do feel bad for the people who were hit by it. I hope everyone is doing okay.  Meanwhile, even though we didn't really do any of the activities at the Greek Festival, I still loved the food there, especially the sandwiches and I would love to go there again next year (and hopefully, get more involved in the activities they have there)!

On the Blog:

Unfortunately, my reading was a bit off this month as I only got one book in, which is disappointing after I had a fantastic reading month in August.  Hopefully, October will be way better this time around, especially since I got a lot of Halloween themed books stacked up to read!

Books Read this Month:

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month: 







1. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (148)
2. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (149)
3. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (150)
4. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (151)
5. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (152)
18. [Fairy Tale and Folktale Fridays]  Fairy Tale and Folktale Fridays #31: Once a Mouse...
19. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #60: September 8, 2018
20. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #61: September 15, 2018
21. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #62: September 29, 2018






2018 Comic Book Bingo Challenge: 
2018 Discussion Challenge: 8
Monthly Key Word Challenge 2018
2018 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge: 4
2018 European Reading Challenge: 1
Pop Sugar Reading Challenge 2018 : 3
Full House Reading Challenge 2018: 4
Humor Reading Challenge 2018: 8
2018 Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge:
2018 Picture Book Reading Challenge: 16
2018 Beat the Backlist: 3
2018 Library Love: 4
Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge 2018: 9
2018 11th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge: 6
Book Bingo 2018: 4
Bookish's 2018 Reading Challenge: 2
2018 Color Coded Reading Challenge : 2
2018 Blogger Shame Challenge: 1
2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge: 1
2018 Reading Bingo Challenge: 3
2018 Reading Challenge Addict
2018 Read It Again, Sam: 6
2018 Try Something New Challenge: 4
2018 Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge: 2
Newbery Medal Challenge:

 Book Stats for September:

Total Number of Books Read: 1
Children's Books: 1
5 Star Reads: 1
Average Rating: 5.0
Male Authors: 1
Female Authors: 0
Unknown Authors: 0
Series: 0
Stand Alone: 1
Re-Reads: 0
Total NetGalley Books for the Year: 5
Total ARC Books for the Year: 2
Total Edelweiss Books for the Year: 4
Total Reading Alley Books for the Year: 1
Total Books for the Year: 2
Total Re-Reads for the Year: 6
Total Number of Books Read for the Year: 30

Genre Stats:

Humor: 4
Science Fiction: 0
Horror: 0
Fantasy: 2
Drama: 0
Romance: 0
Paranormal: 0
Contemporary: 0
Historical: 0
Total Science Fiction Books for the Year: 4
Total Humor Books for the Year: 16
Total Horror Books for the Year: 1
Total Fantasy Books for the Year: 6
Total Drama Books for the Year: 1
Total Romance Books for the Year: 2

Blog Stats for September: 

Most Viewed Post: The Sunday Post Meme (149) 85 views



BEST OF THE MONTH: One, Two, Three Going to Sea by Alain

October TBR:

* I'm still trying to get to reading "Illuminae," so my TBR will still remain the same until I read one of these books!

Favorite Blog Posts from Around the Blogosphere: 

☀  AJ @ Read All the Things!  discusses about Taming Your Terrifying To-Read List
☀  Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction discusses about Book Box Subscriptions. Yay or Nay? Let’s Discuss.
☀  Jessica @ a GREAT read discusses about  Posting ARC Reviews
☀  Greg @ Book Haven discusses about Favorite SF Tropes  
☀  Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books discusses about Deja Vu?
☀  Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight has a list of Inarticulate Book Musings More Recent Reads  
☀  Elley @ Elley the Book Otter discusses about ARC Life (the actually really great flip side)
☀  Jenna @ Happy Indulgences discusses about HOW MY RELATIONSHIP WITH AUDIOBOOKS HAS CHANGED

This will be linked to The Book Date's Month in Review and A Cocoon of Books Best of the Bunch! 


  1. You have a wonderful October TBR! I've read and loved 4 of those, I hope you have a fantastic time with them. Six of Crows in particular is just amaaazing, and Schwab's Our Dark Duet has such an interesting take on 'monsters'. Really hope you like them!

  2. Omg well your October TBR looks AMAZING (or should I say...perfect ๐Ÿ˜‚) which of course I am not biased about.๐Ÿ˜‚And I'm glad you didn't get badly
    affected by the hurricane! Also it definitely sucks to have a slack reading month following a great one, gah. I hope Oct sends you some spectacular reads.

  3. I hope you are having a fantastic October and are enjoying Illuminae, the book responsible for me believing in science fiction again. Gemina was also amazing and I have a copy of Obsidio ready to read too.
