
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

March Monthly Wrap Up (2018)

Off the Blog:

Hey everyone!  March was a pretty slow month for me as not a lot has really happened during the month.  The only thing that really happened in March is that we celebrated our baby sister's birthday and we had yet another delicious meal from Red Lobster (and as always, I got my FAVORITE Bar Lobster Bake that I just eat CONSTANTLY whenever I go to Red Lobster)!  I'm so happy that my baby sister is growing up! :D

On the Blog:

Unfortunately, I seemed to have hit the DREADED reading slump during March as I only read 2 books overall (although I will admit it was a bit better compared to how many books I read in November in 2017 (1 measly book).  I'm really hoping to catch up on my reading in April and also clean up my ever long ARC pile, which seems to keep growing and growing the moment I look away from my computer screen!  However, one positive thing did happened this month, in regards to reading. I was able to shop out the WHOLE store of books and I finally bought me some really popular and well-received books such as "Children of Blood and Bone," "Six of Crows," "Batman: Nightwalker" and "The Hate U Give!"  I DEFINITELY can't wait to check these beauties out soon!

Books Read this Month:

2.  Scout's Heaven by Bibi Dumon Tak   (NETGALLEY) 

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month: 







5. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (126)
6. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (127)
7. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (128)
8. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #68: March 4, 2018
9. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #69: March 11, 2018
10. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #70: March 18, 2018
11. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #71: March 25, 2018
12. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #45: March 10, 2018
13. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #46: March 24, 2018
14. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #47: March 31, 2018
15. [New Releases on the Horizon]  New Releases on the Horizon #42: March 25, 2018 - March 31, 2018




1. [Old Book Review]  East by Edith Pattou
2. [Old Book Review]  The Master Player by Emma Darcy


Bookish Bingo: Winter 2017-2018: 3
2018 Comic Book Bingo Challenge: 
2018 Discussion Challenge: 3
Monthly Key Word Challenge 2018
2018 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge: 2
2018 European Reading Challenge: 1
Pop Sugar Reading Challenge 2018 : 2
Full House Reading Challenge 2018: 2
Humor Reading Challenge 2018: 1
2018 Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge:
2018 Picture Book Reading Challenge: 5
2018 Beat the Backlist: 2
2018 Library Love: 4
Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge 2018: 3
2018 11th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge: 3
Book Bingo 2018: 3
Bookish's 2018 Reading Challenge
2018 Color Coded Reading Challenge : 1
2018 Blogger Shame Challenge
2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge
2018 Reading Bingo Challenge : 2
2018 Reading Challenge Addict
2018 Read It Again, Sam: 3
2018 Try Something New Challenge: 2
2018 Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge: 1
Newbery Medal Challenge:

 Book Stats for March:

Total Number of Books Read: 2
Children's Books: 2
5 Star Reads: 1
4 Star Reads: 1
Average Rating: 4.5
Male Authors: 0
Female Authors: 2
Series: 0
Stand Alone: 2
Re-Reads: 1
Total NetGalley Books for the Year: 1
Total ARC Books for the Year: 0
Total Edelweiss Books for the Year: 2
Total Re-Reads for the Year: 3
Total Number of Books Read for the Year: 11

Genre Stats:

Humor: 1
Science Fiction: 0
Horror: 0
Fantasy: 0
Drama: 1
Total Science Fiction Books for the Year: 3
Total Humor Books for the Year: 3
Total Horror Books for the Year: 1
Total Fantasy Books for the Year: 3
Total Drama Books for the Year: 1

Blog Stats for March: 

Most Viewed Post: The Sunday Post Meme (125) 144 views
Most Commented Post: Waiting on Wednesday #81: Atlas Fallen by Jessica Pierce 30 comments


BEST OF THE MONTH: More Spaghetti, I Say! by Rita Golden Gelman

April TBR:

* It seems like I will never get around to reading "When Dimple Met Rishi" or "Foolish Hearts," but because I went shopping for books during the month of March, I got a ton of books to get through and I'm so excited!

Favorite Blog Posts from Around the Blogosphere: 

☀  AJ @ Read All the Things! discusses about How Accurate Are Goodreads Recommendations?
☀  Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addition discusses about her time at the Anderson’s Children’s Literature Breakfast Recap & Giveaway
☀  Jessica @ a GREAT read discusses about Favorite Dessert
☀  Megan @ Book Birds discusses about My Fave Bookish People - Part 1 (Bloggers)
☀  Britanni @ Hope, Faith and Books discusses about HOW MY READING/BLOGGING HAS EVOLVED OVER THE YEARS
☀  Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books discusses about Why I Read YA
☀  Lauren @ Shooting Stars Mag discusses about BLOG ALL ABOUT IT: MY FAVORITE SCENT   
☀  Elley @ Elley the Book Otter discusses about What do you look for in a book review?
☀  Bee @ Novel Ink discusses about THE PRO’S & CON’S OF BEING A MOOD READER
☀  Greg @ Book Haven discusses about Movie Tie-In Covers
☀  Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight discusses about WHY I LOVE GRAPHIC NOVELS & COMICS (SOMETIMES EVEN MORE THAN REGULAR BOOKS)   

This will be linked to The Book Date's Month in Review and A Cocoon of Books Best of the Bunch! 


  1. Happy birthday to your sister! I hope your slump ends soon. Have a great April.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Your April TBR is filled with great ones. I can't wait to see your thoughts on all of them ^_^

    I feel like I have been in a reading slump since October and it's terrible. Here's to both of us getting out of our slumps soon.

    All the best,

  3. Your April collection is really awesome and I want to hear all about these books. I am also going to start my new book in the April. I download Highland Guardian PDF eBook and starts reading the novel with in 2 days.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my wrap up post! Aww. Don't feel bad about the reading slump. January and February were slump months for me. I hope your reading picks up this month! You got some really good sounding books lined up! :)

  5. I hope you get past your reading slump very soon. Yay for getting a lot of new books to keep you busy :) Sounds like you had a nice time celebrating your sister's birthday. Have a great April!

  6. Aw, thanks for sharing my favorite scent post! I hope that April is a much better reading month for you. I own The Hate U Give and still need to read that one. I also really want to read Batman: Nightwalker at some point! I hope it's a good one. :)


  7. Ahhh your upcoming TBR looks AMAZING!! The Cruel Prince is like one of my all-time favourites *flails* And I love This Savage Song, THUG, and Six of Crows. 😍 I do hope you get to read them soon and the slump doesn't kick you around too much!

    1. Oh man! Now my mouth is watering to read the Cruel Prince! Making it my NUMBER ONE priority to read it!

  8. Good food and time with family is always nice :) Hope you're able to get some more reading in during April!

  9. I hope your new books help inspired you to read more in April! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
