
Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Sunday Post Meme (79)

Hey everybody! I am participating in a book meme called the Sunday Post which is being hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer!The goal of this meme is to share news you have  on various books and things you’ve read or received and also talk about what is coming up for your blog! Book hauls can include library books, yard sale finds, arcs and bought books and you can share these finds with other book bloggers!

Hello everyone!  It's been a pretty slow week for me since I've been spending it trying to get my reviews in order and I've been trying to catch up on my reading since the first two weeks of this month were chaotic for me.  Hopefully, I'll be able to read up to 10 books for this month once I get my reviews in order and start reading books that I've held off for awhile now!  As for the TBR challenge over at Caffeinated Book Reviewer, I haven't read that many books that came from my TBR pile, but I'm going to make some serious progress on that soon!

Book Reviews


Top Ten Tuesday #47: Top 10 Books on My Spring TBR List!


Book Photo Sundays Meme!


Looking for New Guest Posts! 


My TBR List!



Comic Book Bingo Challenge 2017 Sign Up! 


One Word: SLOW


 Check out  Feed Your Fiction Addiction's discussion on  My Haphazard Reading Habits. Let’s Discuss!

☆ Check out Boats Against the Current's discussion on "Do you review every book you read?"

 Check out Herding Cats and Burning Soup's discussion on  Hand Lettering-- What I Use Plus Examples!

Well, that's the Sunday News for today and I will have more news for the various books I've read in the near future!

Posted on Sunday, March 19, 2017.


  1. I really wanted to do the TBR Challenge by Kimba but I just wasn't in a position to leave my ARCs for the whole of March! Oops. Hopefully I'll still catch up a little in my own way!

    I CANNOT WAIT for ACOWAR... I'm seriously amped for that one.

    Have a great week and I hope this one goes a little better/faster for you!

    1. Have a great week too and I hope I can get through the TBR challenge!

  2. Enjoy your week ahead reading, I have lot's of catching up to do as well. I look forward to reading your reviews this week.

  3. I did the TBR challenge last year but just didn't get to it this year. I do have a considerable TBR pile. Good luck with yours!

  4. Good luck with your TBR. Mine is out of control and totally unmanageable because I just keep adding to it!

    1. I keep on adding to my TBR pile too! I just hope I can manage my TBR list soon!

  5. A understand about the reading. I am behind on mine, and am trying to catch up. I'm not good at reading more than one book at a time though. I like to dive into a story completely. Best of luck with everything.

    1. Thanks! I'm the same way, I can't read two or books at the same time, although I really want to.

  6. Best of luck with your TBR. I'm working on mine and making some progress. I still need to catch up on overdue reviews too. Happy reading:)

    My Sunday Post

  7. I hope you are able to make a dent in your TBR pile like you want! I haven't made too much progress on mine, I'm afraid, but my intentions are always to make an effort to.

    We love The Napping House, and I had no idea there was a sequel! I must check that out. I love the artwork and the original story. Thanks for the head's up!

    I hope you have a great week, Ronyell. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
