
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October Monthly Wrap Up!

WOOO-HOOO BABY!!! I've managed to read up to 7 BOOKS, I repeat, 7 BOOKS for the month of October, which is a thousand times better than the amount of books I've read in September! I'm so happy about this that I hope to beat this month's record in November and I'm planning on doing a small little challenge of my own called "1 Book a Day" challenge where I read at least one book every day in the month of November.  Now, if I happened to miss a day, that's alright since I could make up for it the next day and hopefully, that will help me read up to 20 books for the month of November if I actually stay dedicated to this challenge!  Wish me luck!

Books Read this Month:

2.  Kermit the Hermit by Bill Peet :
3.  Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones by Alvin Schwartz :  ☆ 1/2
4.  No Dinner! by Jessica Souhami :
6.  Nimona by N.D. Stevenson :
7.  Garfield Cleans His Plate by Jim Davis :

Challenges Updates:

1. Bookish Bingo: Fall 2016 :1/25
2. Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge 2016: 4/10
3. 2016 Full House Reading Challenge: 5/25
4. 2016 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge: 2/26
5. 2016 Comic Book Bingo Challenge: 8/25
6. I Love Picture Books 2016: 24/25
7. The Mad Reviewer Reading and Reviewing Challenge 2016: 4/26
8. Bookish Bingo Challenge 2016 : 5/35
9. 2016 9th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge:  22/52
10. 2016 Horror Reading Challenge:2
11. NetGalley Reading Challenge: 5/10 
12. Banned Books Challenge 2016: 1
13. 2016 Grown Up Reading Challenge: 2/20
14. 2016 TBR Pile Reading Challenge:10
Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month:
21. [Old Book Review]  Farewell to Shady Glade by Bill Peet
23. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #7: October 8, 2016
26. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (57)
27. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (58) 
28. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (59)
29. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #1: October 16, 2016
30. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #2: October 23, 2016 
31. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #3: October 30, 2016
36. [Miscellaneous]  HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!

 Book Stats for October:

Total Number of Books Read:7
Children's Books:5
Young Adult Books: 0
Graphic Novels:2
Adult Books: 0

BEST OF THE MONTH:  Nimona by N.D. Stevenson


  1. OMG! You plan to read one book a day in November? I know some people do that. But with two jobs, there is no way I can ever do that. Plus November will keep me busy with NaNoWriMo. But I will be rooting for you to reach your goal! Good luck! Thanks for visiting my end of the month post as well!

  2. You had so many blog tours this month! Amazing. I love the kids' books you read. It's a great change for me to read fun younger-age books too than I normally do.
