
Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Sunday Post Meme (177)

Hey everybody! I am participating in a book meme called the Sunday Post which is being hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer!The goal of this meme is to share news you have  on various books and things you’ve read or received and also talk about what is coming up for your blog! Book hauls can include library books, yard sale finds, arcs and bought books and you can share these finds with other book bloggers!

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't done a Sunday Post in like forever.  Lately, I've been so behind on my Sunday Posts even though I've been keeping up with my posts in general.  August was definitely a busy month for me as I had gone to Soda City Comic Con, I had to get some work done on my teeth and we were celebrating my mom's birthday all at once.  So, I definitely didn't have a lot of time to do Sunday Posts. But, here's to hoping that I get back to doing Sunday Posts again!  I also started a new Beta Reading Service! Hopefully, writers who want their works to be checked before they published them will check out my beta reading service so that way I can check out even more awesome books!

Book Reviews



Book Photo Sundays Meme!


Looking for New Guest Posts! 


My TBR List!



Cover Spotlight Meme

My Beta Reading Services!


One Word: HAPPY!!!


* Oh my god!!! I can't believe that I waited this long to finally watch this movie!  This is seriously one of the best horror movies I have ever seen that dealt with racism and I'm definitely going to rewatch this movie soon!


* So, I just discovered this unknown animated film on Vudu and I have to tell you that I loved it!  I can't believe that I wasn't aware of this movie's existence!  It's always nice to find something new and different on the streaming services!


Were there times where you couldn't keep up with your posts?


☆ Star-Crossed Book Blog is hosting their blogoversary and giveaway!

★ Feed Your Fiction Addiction posted up her August Monthly Wrap Up! 

Well, that's the Sunday News for today and I will have more news for the various books I've read in the near future!

Posted on Sunday, September 8, 2019.


  1. I've been behind too! Sometimes life just gets in the way. Hope you have a great week!

  2. I am really looking forward to The Ten Thousand Doors of January. I think it looks fantastic! :)

  3. It sounds like Sunday was a busy month all around. I hope you had fun at Soda City Comic Con. My daughter and I had dentist visits this past week, but just for our regular check ups. I hope you have a wonderful week, Ronyell!

  4. The great thing about The Sunday Post is that you can post whenever it suits your schedule.

    Have a great reading week

  5. I want to watch Get Out! But I get scared so easily!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  6. I didn't get much reading done last week since we were hiking most of Utah. I will get caught up this week, I think. You will, too.

    Good luck with your reading service. It should be a fun adventure.

    I always tend to post ahead during times I know I will be busy. It's pretty easy for me to meet my goal of one post a week.

    Have a great week!

  7. Good luck with your beta reading service! Happy reading, Roynell! :)

  8. I just rewatched Get Out recently and, as good as it was the first time, the second time I could see so many little things that set everything up. Such a good movie.

  9. August is definitely a month that flew by for me too. I'm happy things are slowing down again.
    Congrats on starting the Beta Reading Service! I hope it works out the way you want too.
    Happy reading!

  10. Good luck with the Beta reading!
