
Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Sunday Post Meme (118)

Hey everybody! I am participating in a book meme called the Sunday Post which is being hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer!The goal of this meme is to share news you have  on various books and things you’ve read or received and also talk about what is coming up for your blog! Book hauls can include library books, yard sale finds, arcs and bought books and you can share these finds with other book bloggers!

Hey everyone! Not much has really happened this past week other than me and my family just relaxed for the week and we went out to Miyo's for a delicious meal!  I've managed to get in pretty far with "The Martian" by Andy Weir and I'm really enjoying that book so far! Let's hope I get to finish it by the end of this week!

Book Reviews


Book Blogger Hop #40: January 12th - January 18th



Book Photo Sundays Meme!


Looking for New Guest Posts! 


My TBR List!



Comic Book Bingo Challenge 2018 Sign Up! 

Recommend Me This! Saturdays


One Word: CURIOUS.


  Check out Read All The Things' post on Did I Actually Keep My 2017 Resolutions?

☆ Check out Wishful Ending's Post on 32 Books I Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn't Get To (and totallyyyy plan to get to in 2018!!)

★ Check out Feed Your Fiction Addiction's post on Year-End Wrap-Up Round-Up Giveaway (With a Make Me Read It Twist)

Well, that's the Sunday News for today and I will have more news for the various books I've read in the near future!

Posted on Sunday, January 14, 2018.


  1. Relaxing weeks are the best weeks. I am hoping this week will be quiet but you never know with my family. lol

    Have a great week Ronyell! Happy Reading! :)

  2. It sounds like you had a nice week, Ronyell! We're back to our usual busy routine again. We had a nice quiet day yesterday for the most part. Only a few errands to run. Today we are going to a birthday party for one of my daughter's friends. I am glad you are enjoying The Martian. I really liked the movie, but haven't read the book.

    Have a great week!

  3. Glad you are enjoying The Martian. Some of my students read it for their Astronomy class last semester and enjoyed it!
    Have a great week!

  4. Reading and going out to dinner sounds perfect to me. I have heard a lot of good things about The Martian. Glad you are enjoying it.

  5. Those relaxing weeks are the best. I had a surprise one right after Christmas week. Got the next week off because of weather. Nice! LOL I like your word - Curious:)

    My Sunday Post

  6. I loved The Martian from the very first sentence. :)

  7. I haven't read The Martian, although it does look like a good read. Relaxing weeks are the best. Hope this week is good too.

  8. I really enjoyed The Martian, too, Ronyell! Happy reading! :)

  9. Hope you have a fantastic week! And enjoy The Martian!!

  10. Hope you're enjoying The Martian. Have a great week.

  11. I hope you get your book finished. Have a great week!

  12. It's really nice to have an easy quiet week now and again :)
