
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

December Monthly Wrap Up!

Off the Blog:

Hey everyone!  I had a really fantastic month!  We were able to get our Christmas shopping done on time and we had quite a lovely Christmas!  Even though we didn't have that many lights outside our house this year, the inside of the house was quite festive and I've been in a really festive mood throughout the month!  We also watch a lot of awesome Christmas specials such as "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," "Frosty the Snowman," "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and "A Charlie Brown Christmas."  I'm definitely still going to be watching some Christmas specials after Christmas has come and gone because I feel that watching Christmas specials in just December is not enough!  Also, we got a lot of lovely gifts for Christmas, like I ended up getting a nice Nick Splat coloring book which I will be coloring in all throughout 2018, a new DVD player and some awesome movies like "The Lego Batman Movie" and "Spider-Man Homecoming." I can't wait to check those movies out!  I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a wonderful time during the holidays and I hope that we have a great year in 2018!

On the Blog:

My reading month has been phenomenal!  I've managed to read more books this month than last month.  Even though I wasn't able to meet my year goal of reading 80 books this year (thanks November), I had still read a lot of awesome books this year and I can't wait to read more fantastic books next year!

Books Read this Month:

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month: 


1. [Miscellaneous]  #COYER Winter Switch Sign Up!




5. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (112)
6. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (113)
7. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (114)
8. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (115)
9. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (116)
10. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #56: December 3, 2017
11. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #57: December 10, 2017
12. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #58: December 17, 2017
13. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #59: December 24, 2017
14. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #60: December 31, 2017
15. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #37: December 9, 2017
16. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #38: December 16, 2017
17. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #39: December 23, 2017
18. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #40: December 30, 2017
23. [Recommend Me This! Saturdays]  Recommend Me This! Saturdays #11: December 9, 2017
25. [My TBR List]  My TBR List #5 - December 2017



2. [Old Book Review]  Randy's Dandy Lions by Bill Peet


1. Bookish Bingo: Winter 2017 : 1/25
2. Alphabet Soup Challenge 2017 : 10/26
3. Comic Book Bingo Challenge 2017 : 9/25
4. Picture Book Reading Challenge 2017 31/102
5. Full House Reading Challenge 2017 : 8/25
6. Banned / Challenged Books Challenge 2017 : 1/6
7. Pages Read Challenge 2017 : 3,789/12,000 pages
8. Color Coded Challenge 2017 : 7/9
9. Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge 2017 : 3/5
10. NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge 2017 : 26/25 - COMPLETED!!!
11. 10th Annual Graphic Novel and Manga Reading Challenge 2017 : 21/12 - COMPLETED!!!
12. Library Love Challenge 2017 : 24/24 - COMPLETED!!!
13. Discussion Challenge 2017 : 18/10 - COMPLETED!!!
14. Horror Reading Challenge: 3
15. Retellings Reading Challenge 2017: 2
16. 2017 YA Reading Challenge: 4
17. Read Diverse 2017: 3
18. Book Riot's 2017 Read Harder Challenge: 3/24

 Book Stats for December:

Total Number of Books Read: 6
Children's Books: 2
Graphic Novels: 2
 Adult Books: 2
NetGalley Books: 3
ARC Books: 2
5 Star Reads: 3
4.5 Star Reads: 1
4 Star Reads: 2
Average Rating: 4.6
Male Authors: 2
Female Authors: 4
Stand Alone: 2
Series: 4
Total NetGalley Books for the Year: 22
Total ARC Books for the Year: 7
Total Edelweiss Books for the Year: 4
Total Number of Books Read for the Year: 65

Blog Stats for December: 

Most Viewed Post: The Sunday Post Meme (114) 146 views
Most Commented Post: Top Ten Tuesday #59: Top 10 Books I'm Looking Forward to In 2018! 34 comments


BEST OF THE MONTH: Gregory and the Grimbockle by Melanie Schubert

December TBR:

* I have decided that in celebration for the New Year, I will change up my book TBR and see how many books I can read from this pile!

This will be linked to The Book Date's Month in Review and A Cocoon of Books Best of the Bunch! 


  1. Nice to hear you had such a great Christmas. Your post reminds me to read a little more F Backman. I see three books on your TBR that I read and enjoyed. All the best for 2018 reading and living!

  2. I’m glad you had a good December. I love Fredrik Backman and need to read more of his work. I hope you’re having a great 2018!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
