
Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Sunday Post Meme (96)

Hey everybody! I am participating in a book meme called the Sunday Post which is being hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer!The goal of this meme is to share news you have  on various books and things you’ve read or received and also talk about what is coming up for your blog! Book hauls can include library books, yard sale finds, arcs and bought books and you can share these finds with other book bloggers!

Hello everyone!  This week has actually been pretty good!  For one thing, I'm not sick this time, so that's a great way to end the week! Another thing is I'm finally catching up on my ARCs so I'm hoping to get most of my ARC reads out of the way soon!  And finally, I had done some spring cleaning on Saturday and I have to say that the house is looking pretty good!  I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

Book Reviews



Book Photo Sundays Meme!


Looking for New Guest Posts! 


My TBR List!



Comic Book Bingo Challenge 2017 Sign Up! 

One Word: RELIEVED!!!


  Check out Rabid Read's discussion on Bookfessional: Mid-Year Roundup

☆ Check out Happy Indulgence's  OUR 12 FAVOURITE BOOKS OF 2017…SO FAR

★ Check out Paper Fury's discussion on WHAT SHOULD THE PERFECT YA EPIC FANTASY LOOK LIKE?

Well, that's the Sunday News for today and I will have more news for the various books I've read in the near future!

Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2017.


  1. Congrats on the ARC progress, that's awesome. :) Hope you have a great weekend as well. I'm looking forward to Furst We Were IV.

  2. There is nothing like a clean house for a mood lift. I've worked on mine a lot this summer.

    It's also wonderful to plow through the TBR!

  3. It always feels good to get caught up on the ARCs. Glad to hear your feeling better.

  4. That's a great feeling to get caught up on ARCS. I'm glad you are well!

  5. Yay on your ARC progress I wish I could say the same thing lol. Have a great week.

  6. Hurray for feeling better! And for the ARC progress! I'm trying hard to catch up myself! :)

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

  7. Good for you on your ARC progress!!! Have a wonderful week.

    Jenea's Book Obsession

  8. Feel free to come clean my house too! Congrats on the ARC progress. It seems as soon as I get 1 read, I pick up 2 more!
    Have a great week!

  9. Yay for not being sick! That's always good! And well done for catching up on arcs. That also always a good thing.

    Hope you have a great week!

  10. Not being sick is always a plus! Happy reading!

  11. Looks like you had a productive week and I'm glad you are feeling better. I've been under the weather this weekend and the heat definitely hasn't helped much.

  12. Nice on catching up on the ARCs. That's always a good feeling.
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  13. Great hearing the progress with your ARC's is coming along and nice that you're feeling better :) Have a great week!!

    CT : My Blog

  14. I do feel so good after my house is clean. And way to go with the ARCs. I confess, I'm not doing as good. LOL I keep getting distracted by the telly, the pool, and other books!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Oh yeah! I must admit it was a bit hard getting through the ARCs because of the other books I had to read!

  15. I love watching gymnastics, do you? I hope you are having a wonderful week. :)
