
Saturday, July 2, 2016

June Monthly Wrap Up!

Hello everyone! June was a great month since I was able to complete a lot of books from my TBR shelf and I hope that I can complete more books from my TBR shelf for July!

Books Read this Month:

1. Seraphina by Rachel Hartman:
2.  Garfield: Lard of the Jungle by Jim Davis:
3.  The Art of Miss Chew by Patricia Polacco: 
4.  Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie dePaola: 
5.  Pamela Camel by Bill Peet:  ☆  1/2

Challenges Updates:

1. Bookish Bingo: Summer 2016 : 1/25
2. Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge 2016: 3/10
3. 2016 Full House Reading Challenge: 3/25
4. 2016 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge: 2/26
5. 2016 Comic Book Bingo Challenge: 6/25
6. I Love Picture Books 2016: 12/25
7. The Mad Reviewer Reading and Reviewing Challenge 2016: 3/26
8. Summer Reading Challenge 2016: 1/10
9. Bookish Bingo Challenge 2016 : 4/35
10. 2016 9th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge:  18/52

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month:
13. [Old Book Review] Olivia by Ian Falconer
17. [Sunday Post] The Sunday Post Meme (46)
18. [Sunday Post] The Sunday Post Meme (47) 
19. [Sunday Post] The Sunday Post Meme (48)
22. [Miscellaneous] Chapter Break Bingo Sign Up!  
24. [Miscellaneous] 500 Reviews Celebration!
26. [Miscellaneous] Banned Books Challenge 2016
32. [Feature and Follow Friday] Feature and Follow Friday #28: Summer is Here! 
34. [WWW Wednesdays] WWW Wednesdays #8: June 22, 2016
36. [Stacking the Shelves] Stacking the Shelves #5: June 25, 2016

Book Stats for June:

Total Number of Books Read: 5
Children's Books: 3
Young Adult Book: 1
Graphic Novels: 1  

BEST OF THE MONTH: The Art of Miss Chew by Patricia Polacco


  1. It’s always great when you can get some books off your TBR shelf. I’ve been working really hard on reading the books I already own instead of acquiring new ones.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Me too. I'm going to try to read the books that I've owned, even though I will mix in the books I get from the library.
