
Saturday, January 18, 2020

Stacking the Shelves #81: January 18, 2020

Stacking The Shelves is a book meme created by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality and it is about sharing books that you are adding to your shelves, whether it's physical or virtual.  This means including books that you bought from the store or online, books you borrowed from friends or from the library, books you've reviewed, gifts and ebooks!

Hey everyone!  I had started my Fiverr account a few months ago and I was starting up a beta reading service.  Well the good news is that...I actually got my first CUSTOMER!!! The customer was very satisfied with my services and I was so happy that I was able to help out an author with their work!  I also started up a new gig over at Fiverr called "Promoting Your Book on Instagram," where I will promote an author's book on my Instagram account.  I'm hoping that my Fiverr services continue to grow in the near future!

Books Bought:

From Barnes and Noble: 

Image result for Carry on Rainbow Rowell

Related image


  1. Glad your business is taking off on a good start! And yay for new books! Have heard good things about this series and I hope you enjoy it too!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Congrats on your first client! Hope your business continues to grow.
