
Saturday, March 3, 2018

February Monthly Wrap Up (2018)

Off the Blog:

Hey everyone!  Well, February is pretty much over (it's such a short month) but, I had a pretty nice month in February!  For one thing, my BIRTHDAY was in February and we celebrated by having a nice dinner from Red Lobster (I got my favorite meal, the Bar Bake Lobster meal) and watching the Super Bowl the same day (I was actually surprised by this since it's rare that my birthday would fall on the same day as the Super Bowl)!  Even though I was quite disappointed with the Super Bowl commercials this year (that's pretty much the only reason why I watch the Super Bowl in the first place. LOL!), I still had a fun time watching the game!  Meanwhile, I watched the Winter Olympics and I really enjoyed it, especially the ice skating and snowboarding competitions!  I can't wait to check out the Summer Olympics and see which teams are competing this year!

On the Blog:

I actually read more books this month than I did last month (which is normal for me in terms of February). I usually read more books in February than I do with most months (although there's the occasional month where I read even more books than I did in February).  I managed to read a lot of great books this month, including "A Monster Calls" by Patrick Ness and I'm so glad to be reading the books that everyone has been urging me to read for years!  Also, I've been on a huge bookstagram craze lately and I must say that my book photos has dramatically improved in style compared to my older book photos.  Check out my Instagram account to see my most recent book photos!  You'll definitely be awed by the newer photos!  Also, because of my recent Bookstagram craze, I have started a new bookstagram challenge on Instagram called "March Book Photo Sundays Bookstagram Challenge" where it's pretty similar to most of the Bookstagram challenges, except that you get to post your photos on Sundays and tie it in with the Book Photo Sundays meme on this blog. Check out the post for this challenge HERE.

Books Read this Month:

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month: 





5. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (121)
6. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (122)
7. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (123)
8. [Sunday Post]  The Sunday Post Meme (124)
9. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #64: February 4, 2018
10. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #65: February 11, 2018
11. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #66: February 18, 2018
12. [Book Photo Sundays]  Book Photo Sundays #67: February 25, 2018
13. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #43: February 10, 2018
14. [Stacking the Shelves]  Stacking the Shelves #44: February 24, 2018
23. [My TBR List]  My TBR List #6 - February 2018
25. [It's Monday! What Are You Reading?]  It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #12: February 5th, 2018



1. [Old Book Review]  The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
2. [Old Book Review]  Princess Academy by Shannon Hale
3. [Old Book Review]  Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn


Bookish Bingo: Winter 2017-2018: 3
2018 Comic Book Bingo Challenge: 
2018 Discussion Challenge: 3
Monthly Key Word Challenge 2018
2018 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge: 2
2018 European Reading Challenge: 1
Pop Sugar Reading Challenge 2018
Full House Reading Challenge 2018: 2
Humor Reading Challenge 2018: 1
2018 Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge:
2018 Picture Book Reading Challenge: 4
2018 Beat the Backlist: 2
2018 Library Love: 4
Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge 2018: 2
2018 11th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge: 3
Book Bingo 2018: 3
Bookish's 2018 Reading Challenge
2018 Color Coded Reading Challenge : 1
2018 Blogger Shame Challenge
2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge
2018 Reading Bingo Challenge : 2
2018 Reading Challenge Addict
2018 Read It Again, Sam: 2
2018 Try Something New Challenge: 2
2018 Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge: 1
Newbery Medal Challenge:

 Book Stats for February:

Total Number of Books Read: 6
Children's Books: 3
Graphic Novels: 2
 Young Adult Books: 1
5.5 Star Reads: 2
5 Star Reads: 2
4.5 Star Reads: 1
4 Star Reads: 1
Average Rating: 4.9
Male Authors: 4
Female Authors: 4
Series: 2
Stand Alone: 4
Re-Reads: 1
Total NetGalley Books for the Year: 0
Total ARC Books for the Year: 0
Total Edelweiss Books for the Year: 2
Total Re-Reads for the Year: 2
Total Number of Books Read for the Year: 9

Genre Stats:

Humor: 0
Science Fiction: 2
Horror: 1
Fantasy: 3
Total Science Fiction Books for the Year: 3
Total Humor Books for the Year: 2
Total Horror Books for the Year: 1
Total Fantasy Books for the Year: 3

Blog Stats for February: 

Most Viewed Post: The Sunday Post Meme (124) 138 views
Most Commented Post: The Sunday Post Meme (121) 46 comments


BEST OF THE MONTH: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

March TBR:

* Finished yet another book!  Going to keep up with this set of books since I'm planning on reading them this month!

Favorite Blog Posts from Around the Blogosphere: 

  AJ @ Read All the Things! discusses about  A Brief List Of Oddities Discovered Inside Used Books
☀  Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addition discusses about Great Reasons to Get to Know Your Bookish Friends Better
☀  Jessica @ a GREAT read discusses about Comparing Authors
☀  Jenna @ Happy Indulgence discusses about UNPOPULAR OPINIONS VIDEO & POPULAR BOOKS I DIDN’T LOVE

☀  Jessica @ Rabid Reads discusses about Offensive Terminology in Books
☀  Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books discusses about Why I Follow You
☀  Rashika @ Xpresso Reads discusses about 15 Books for New Adults   
☀  Elley @ Elley the Book Otter discusses about Fandoms
☀  Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight discusses about Book Culling
☀  Greg @ Book Haven discusses about Do You Review Right Away?
☀  Kymberlee @ All the Diversity discusses about Is it wrong to judge books that we haven't read?   

This will be linked to The Book Date's Month in Review and A Cocoon of Books Best of the Bunch! 


  1. Happy (late) birthday! I’m glad you got a lot of reading done. I hope you have a great March!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, and congrats on a successful month of reading!

  3. Great wrap-up! Happy belated birthday!! <3

  4. Great month of reading and I see some books on your TBR that I have read and enjoyed so hope March brings you great book reading. Well done on the bookstagram, I am a hopeless photographer.

  5. Umm thanks - just checked my spam folder on my blog and quite a few real comments there!!

  6. I have A Monster Calls, I should just read it already, I've heard great things :)

  7. Happy belated birthday! I want to read A Monster Calls even more now. I read WDMR and loved it and will read her next companion book coming out this year.

  8. I hope your read FOOLISH HEARTS!! It was amazingly cute and precious!! And I love your discussion post round-up. Some of my favorite blogs are up there :)
