
Monday, August 28, 2017

Bout of Books 20 Wrap Up Post!

**This is the overall list for the challenges offered during Bout of Books 20. Make sure you check the blog each day of the read-a-thon for instructions and details on how to complete the daily challenges**

Day 1 (Monday, August 21, 2017): Introduce Yourself #insixwords Challenge

Books Read: 0
Pages Read: 0
Notes:  I haven't been able to read anything today since I was too busy preparing for the eclipse (which was awesome)!!!

Day 2 (Tuesday, August 22, 2017): Synopsis Rewrite Challenge

Books Read: 1 (Made You Up by Francesca Zappia)
Pages Read: 70 pages (pages 110 -180)
Notes:  YAY! I've managed to read in a good number of pages in this book!  I'm really getting into this book and I can't wait to see what happens between Alex and Miles!

Day 3 (Wednesday, August 23, 2017): Book Spine Rainbow Challenge

Books Read: 0
Pages Read: 0
Notes:  Unfortunately, I didn't get any reading done today since we were celebrating my mom's birthday and we were watching movies all day!  Hopefully, I'll read some more pages tomorrow!

Day 4 (Thursday, August 24, 2017): If you like this, try that Challenge

Books Read: 1
Pages Read: 80 pages (pages 180 - 260)
Notes:  Yay! I've read more pages today than I did the other day! I'm really reading through this book! It's just so interesting in not only seeing the growing relationship between Miles and Alex, but also the mystery with Principal McCoy and Celia, the head cheerleader!
Challenge: If you like Lisa Kleypas's works, then try Julia Quinn's works!

Day 5 (Friday, August 25, 2017): Leave a Book Review Challenge

Books Read: 0
Pages Read: 0

Day 6 (Saturday, August 26, 2017): Love to Hate Challenge

Books Read: 0
Pages Read: 0

Day 7 (Sunday, August 27, 2017): FREE DAY!

Books Read: 1
Pages Read: 58 pages (pages 260 - 318)  
Notes:  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish this book for this challenge and that was mostly because I was at the Soda City Comic Con for most of the weekend, so I didn't have anytime to read!  

Overall, I haven't been able to get much reading done this week due to me attending a comic con convention this weekend.

If you want to learn more about my adventures at the Soda City Comic Con, check out the photos HERE.

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