
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #44: (FREEBIE) Top 10 Books from my TBR Pile I Need to Read!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

So, this week's top 10 Tuesday topic is a freebie and I have decided to make a top 10 list of my "Top 10 Books from my TBR Pile that I Need to Read" since my TBR list is like skyrocketing in numbers and I really want to get that pile down to a minimum!

So here's my top 10 Books from my TBR pile that I Need to Read (in no particular order)!

1. Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James
Why?  Because it has the word "sexiest" in the title and I love  sexy romance titles!  Also, this has been on my TBR shelf for like forever and I've enjoyed reading Julie James' other titles Something About You, A Lot Like Love and Practice Makes Perfect!

2. Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh

Another book that's been on my TBR shelf like forever and yet for some wacky reason, I've never been able to get around to this book. Well, I guess this is the year to start getting into this book!
3. The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay

And yet this book continues to gather dust, day by day, despite you know, the raving reviews that keep popping up everywhere regarding this book.  Don't you just hate it when you don't read a book with raving reviews right away?

4. The Child Thief by Brom

A Darker and Edgier retelling of "Peter Pan."  Let me repeat that: A...DARKER....AND...EDGIER....RETELLING....OF...PETER....PAN!  Who doesn't want to read a darker and edgier retelling of your favorite fairy tale?

5. Throne of Glass by Sarah J.  Maas
Ahhh...Throne of Glass...where art thou "Throne of Glass?"  I've bought the book, I have plans on reading the book... SO GO OUT AND READ THE BOOK, WOMAN!!!!
6. The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden

Okay, so this book is actually a VERY, VERY, VERY recent addition to my TBR list, but seriously, who wouldn't want to read a book that's based off a Russian folktale?  RUSSIAN FOLKTALES RULE, BABY!

7.  The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Because I need like a classic book in my little book collection and because it's full of HORROR (me likey!)
8. Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh

Well, I did love reading Hyperbole and a Half, so of course I was going to check out the sequel to this little gem!  Allie Brosh, you WONDERFUL AND CREATIVE WRITER, YOU!

9. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

You know what?  I think I'm the ONLY person here who hasn't read this series yet.  You know, I was going to read this series when it was first suggested to me...after I got through the other books on my TBR list, got through the books that grabbed my interest at the time, got through the books I've know where this is going, don't you?

10. Looking for Alaska by John Green

You know what, I loved The Fault in Our Stars, so why not check out another  John Green baby book that might possibly make me weep with joy or sadness (or both if The Fault in Our Stars is anything to go by).

Posted on Tuesday, January 24, 2017.


  1. I loved reading The Fault in Ours Stars too and would like to read another John Green novel as well.

    Happy reading to you!!

  2. You're not the only person who hasn't read The Raven Boys - I need to try to read the series too! Same with Throne of Glass... I'm so far behind D:

  3. Lots of good ones here. I hope you can get to them soon!

  4. I really have to read that Allie Brosh book. I loved her first one and laughed so many times. I have not started the Throne of Glass or Raven Boy series' either so don't feel too badly. I have Krampus by Brom and had hoped to read it last December but didn't get to it. It will be my first Brom book. I'm thinking of doing a few "Christmas in July" reads.

    1. Awesome! Krampus sounds pretty interesting! I'll have to check that one out!

  5. You totally need to read Throne of Glass, The Raven Boys, and Looking for Alaska. They're all my favorites!!! :)

  6. I only really liked The Fault in our stars by the author though the one with all the Katherines in it did have its moments. I hope you enjoy all these books when you get time!

  7. The Sea of Tranquility has been on my TBR for sooo long! I think we both need to force ourselves to read it this year.

  8. Hope you enjoy Throne of Glass and The Raven Boys!
    My TTT:

  9. I've had Raven Boys on my Ipod for a few years now so don't feel bad! I did read that Nalini Singh book but I wasn't wowed by it. Everyone else seems to love it though so I hope you do too.
