
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

September Monthly Wrap Up!

Hello everyone! Unfortunately this was a bad month of reading for me because I've only managed to read up to 3 books this month, due to so many crazy and stressful things happening to me this month.  So, hopefully October will be a bit better for me since I do have plans to read some horror filled books in October!

Books Read this Month:

Challenges Updates:
1. Bookish Bingo: Fall 2016 : 0
2. Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge 2016: 4/10
3. 2016 Full House Reading Challenge: 4/25
4. 2016 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge: 2/26
5. 2016 Comic Book Bingo Challenge: 8/25
6. I Love Picture Books 2016: 20/25
7. The Mad Reviewer Reading and Reviewing Challenge 2016: 4/26
8. Bookish Bingo Challenge 2016 : 5/35
9. 2016 9th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge:  21/52
10. 2016 Horror Reading Challenge:1
11. NetGalley Reading Challenge: 5/10 
12. Banned Books Challenge 2016:  0
13. 2016 Grown Up Reading Challenge: 2/20
14. 2016 TBR Pile Reading Challenge: 8
Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month:
26.  [Miscellaneous] #FitReaders September Sign Up! 
32  [Sunday Post] The Sunday Post Meme (56) 

Book Stats for September:

Total Number of Books Read: 3
Children's Books: 2
Young Adult Books: 0
Graphic Novels: 1
Adult Books: 0

BEST OF THE MONTH:  Monstress: Awakening Volume 1 (Part 2) by Marjorie Liu