
Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Sunday Post Meme (29)

Hey everybody! I am participating in a book meme called the Sunday Post which is being hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer! The goal of this meme is to share news you have on various books and things you’ve read or received and also talk about what is coming up for your blog! Book hauls can include library books, yard sale finds, arcs and bought books and you can share these finds with other book bloggers!

Hey everyone!  Once again, it's been awhile since I've last done a Sunday Post  since I've been so busy these past few weeks.  Whew!  It seems like summer has come and gone and I haven't been able to read as much books this month as I wanted to, but there are still a few days left, so hopefully I'll be able to catch up!


Want to hire me to check out your work?  Then please feel free to learn more about my Beta Reading Services on this blog!

Well, that’s the Sunday News for today and I will have more news for the various books I’ve read in the near future!

Posted on Sunday, August 23, 2015.