
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday #104: Top 10 Reasons Why I’m Thankful for Books (or why Books make me feel WHOLE)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

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This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is Top 10 Reasons Why I'm Thankful for Books!

So, it's Thanksgiving week and that means that it's time to give thanks for all of the books in the world!  In this week's topic, I will be talking about why I'm thankful for books in general!

So, here are my top 10 Reasons Why I'm Thankful for Books (in no particular order of course) and NO PICTURES THIS TIME AROUND.....  πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

1. It helps me escape from the real world

So, we all know that the real world can be a cruddy place to be in at times.  So, whenever I want to escape from the drama of the real world, then I pick up a book and once I start reading, I start envisioning myself in the world of the book that I'm reading and it helps me deal with the drama of the real world.

2. It Makes Me Feel Better

Sometimes we have a bad day and we need something that will help us feel a lot better.  So, books really helped me whenever I had a bad day as I get to read about characters that I care about in books and be able to deal with a bad day that I had.

3. They Make my Bookshelf look Pretty!

So, I have a bookshelf and whenever I fill my bookshelf with books, I'm able to do a lot of creative things with my bookshelf, like arrange them in the color of the rainbow or put on some cute mugs to give it a more creative flair and it always makes me happy to rearrange my bookshelf in different and creative ways!

4. I Love the Worlds featured in the Books I read

So, whether I'm reading a book that takes place in a magical world or a realistic world, I'm always invested in the worlds that are featured in the books that I read and I usually wished that I lived in those worlds!

5. Being apart of the Book Community

Ever since I started reading lots of books, I've been connecting a lot with the book community and I have such a wonderful time talking about books with other book fans!

6. Gives me lots of creativity

The reason why I love being very creative with my content is because of books in general.  My book blog was the first thing I did as a content creator and when I started thinking of ways to make my book blog look more creative, it thankfully seeped into my YouTube and Twitch content and I've been thankful for this book blog ever since!

7. They expanded my worldviews

So, when I was younger, I didn't know that much about the world and my viewpoints on certain subjects were limited.  But, when I started reading more books, I started to learn more about teh world around me and be able to see the world in a lot of different perspectives.

8. They are always exciting

Whenever I'm reading books, I never once get bored and reading books really helped me get over my boredom!

9. They made me more comfortable with talking with people

Before I came into the book community, I was a quiet girl who barely talked to anyone in my classes.  But when I joined various book communities, I found out that I felt much more comfortable with talking with people who share the same common interests as I do.

10. They gave me inspiration

Books in general had helped me become much more inspired with my work and I became much more creative and confident with my work once I started reading books and creating a book blog that allowed me to talk about books in a funny and creative way!




  1. Ooh nice reasons! I feel all of these as well!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  2. I'm so happy I joined the book community. I met some great friends and learned a ton from them.

  3. These are all great reasons, but I especially love #9. It's always so fun and fulfilling to find your people. Belonging to this book blogging community has been a huge blessing in my life as well.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  4. A good bookshelf is always solid decor... and I too love pretty book cover and spines. :) So fun. Thanks so much for visiting my list last week.
