
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday #102: Top 10 Reading Goals for 2023 (or I hope I can actually do these goals)!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

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This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is Top 10 Reading Goals for 2023!

WOW!  2023 is almost over and I still haven't completed most of my reading goals for this year....BUMMER.... Anyway, I wanted to point out my reading goals for 2023 and I want to see if I could complete some of these goals by the end of the year!

So, here are my top 10 Reading Goals for 2023 (in no particular order of course)!

1. Read 50 Books

So, my biggest reading goal this year is to read up to 50 books.  So, for the past few years, I haven't been reading that much lately because I've been so busy with Twitch and YouTube and I also have been dealing with my Beta Reading Service as well.  So, that left me with less time to read than I wanted.  I don't know if I could read 50 books by the end of this year (especially since it's October already), but I'm going to try to do the best I can!

2. Getting more funds to buy more books

So, you guys may have noticed that I have been talking a lot about trying to earn money to buy more books because I don't have a job at the moment and I'm trying to get my online services to take off.  So, what I'm really hoping for this year is to be able to earn enough funds to be able to buy more books that I can review for this blog.  So, if you would like to help support me, you can support me through my:

3. Get back to NetGalley

Honestly, I haven't been on NetGalley for years and I really want to go back to NetGalley and try to get my percentage ratio up to at least 80%.  I've always wanted to get my ratio up and I'm hoping that I can read more books from NetGalley to achieve that.

4. Read More Books from my TBR List

So, I have a lot of books in my TBR list and it's getting backed up day by day.  So, hopefully at some point, I can start reading some books from my TBR pile and be able to get my TBR pile down to a low number.

5. Not forcing myself to read books

Now, when I say that I'm trying not to force myself to read books, I mean that if I am too busy with another activity, then I'm not going to force myself to read a book when I got so many other things to finish first.  The reason why I haven't been reading as much as I used to was because I've been so busy with other things that I just didn't have time to read any books.  But I never forced myself to read books if I'm too busy with other things because then it would feel like my enjoyment from whatever book I read will be taken away because I was forced to read a book that I wasn't ready to read. 

6. Grow my Book Blog

So, I have been blogging for over 10 years now and I wanted to continue to grow my book blog.  So, I'm trying to get more involved with my book blog and try to have at least over 1,000 followers for my book blog!

7. Build my Bookshelf

So, the number of books I've been getting is getting larger and my bookshelf is getting smaller.  So, I've been trying to build a new bookshelf that would hold all of the books that I've been getting.  So, that's going to take some time.

8. Get back to putting more Book photos on Instagram

So, I've been off of Instagram for awhile now because I've been so busy with my Twitch and YouTube accounts and I've been having lots of problems trying to keep consistent with my Instagram account.  So, I'm hoping to rectify that situation by the end of 2023.

9. Start Reading the Books that were sent to me

So, I got a lot of books from various authors over the years, but I was never able to read those books.  So, I'm going to try to start reading the books that the authors had sent to me at long last.

10. Start Reading more of the recent books

So lately, I've been reading mostly books that were released years ago and while that's not bad at all, I've been having trouble trying to keep up with the recent books that have been released because I'm still behind on my TBR list.  So, I'm hoping to take off some more books from my TBR list so that way I can make more room for some of the newer books being released.




  1. "5. Not forcing myself to read books" - This is a good one.

  2. I think I need to make a goal NOT to go on NetGalley for a few years. Maybe then I could catch up with reading the e-ARCs I already got from them. I think my ratio right now is like 8%. LOL. Good luck with all your goals!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Thanks! I think my NetGalley ratio goal is low too because I still haven't read the books in my Netgalley yet.

  3. I always want to grow my space too since I do love conversation and sharing things I like that others share an interest in. :) Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today.

    1. You're welcome! I also want to grow my blog because I just love talking about books with many people and I want to meet up with more fellow book bloggers to talk about books!

  4. I have focused on reading from my TBR and the library this year. It has gone well for me.

  5. I have been limiting myself on Net Galley, and I am trying to read more of my own books as well. Good luck with your goals.

  6. Ooh nice set of goals! I try to do some of these regularly as well! So much so that I forget to think of them as goals! Such as reading more from my TBR pile! Lol!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  7. "7. Build my Bookshelf." Now that is a great one. Unfortunately we have a small place and no more room for book shelves. But I always support MORE bookshelves.

  8. Good luck! I'm terrible at Instagram. I go through phases of posting every day, but then I just get bored and stop.

    1. I'm the same way too. There are some days where I do make posts on Instagram. But then, there are other days where I don't post anything for several weeks. I'm hoping I can at least get it to posting every other day if I can't post every day.
