
Friday, October 20, 2023

Book Blogger Hop #58: Disoriented in a Bookstore?


Hello everyone! I'm participating in another book meme called the Book Blogger Hop which is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer!  Basically, you just answer weekly questions and then post up your link on the question's page.

This week's question is:

Wow!  It's been awhile since I last did this book meme, hasn't it?  Anyway, no, I never felt disoriented in a bookstore before.  Sure, I do tend to get a bit distracted whenever I'm reading a book and I end up losing track of time.  But, whenever I'm in a bookstore, I just have a feeling of happiness and bliss rather than being disorientated.




  1. Being in a bookstore makes me happy too. :-) I can't say I have ever felt disoriented in a bookstore, but I have lost track of time browsing through the books.

  2. I do get distracted and lose track of time if I am in a bookstore! Have a great week!

  3. I've lost track of time, but not of where I am in a bookstore! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!
