
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Looking for New Guest Posts!


Hello everyone!  Want to post a guest post on this blog?  Then please feel free to contact me about sending me a guest post to put on my blog!

Who can be a Guest Post on this blog?

Fellow Book Bloggers
Authors / Illustrators
Book Readers on Goodreads and Booklikes
Book Readers from Instagram 

What can the posts be about?

It can be about anything, ranging from top 10 lists to book reviews to interviews to showing images of your favorite books!

 I've already had a guest post on this blog, can I do another one?

Of course you can!  But you probably have to do a different topic for your next guest post just to keep things fresh!

Be sure to include any social media like your Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Goodreads accounts in your posts and also the links to your blogs (if you have one), so that way I can contact you whenever I can!

If you want to include your guest post on this blog, then contact me through my email here:



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