
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday #97: Top 10 Red, White and Blue Book Covers (or Covers to look at for the 4th of July)!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

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This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is Top 10 Red, White and Blue Book Covers!

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE!  So, it's July 4th and that means that it's time to showcase the colors of the American flag, which are red, white and blue!  And my favorite part of this week's topic is finding BOOK COVERS that have red, white and blue colors!  Let's dive into this topic!

So, here are my top 10 Red, White and Blue Book Covers (in no particular order of course)!


1. Chlorine by Jade Song

2. Womb City by Tlotlo Tsamaase

3. The Warning by Kristy Acevedo


4. Bridge by Lauren Beukes

5. After the Forest by Kell Woods

6. Seven Faceless Saints by M.K. Lobb


7. The Other Side of Infinity by Joan F. Smith

8. The Third Daughter by Adrienne Tooley

9. To Each This World by Julie E. Czerneda

10. Greymist Fair by Francesca Zappia




  1. I've been curious about Chlorine. You did well!

  2. I love finding books that fit this topic each year. I'm sure I repeat some year after year, but it's always fun to celebrate this day and those red, white and blue colors. :) Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today.

  3. I don't recognize any of your books, but you did choose some lovely covers!

    Elza Reads

  4. The red covers you found are definitely my favorite. Happy TTT! :D And thank for commenting on my blog earlier.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! I like how you organized your post by colors. Have a great rest of the week!

  6. OOoh nice picks! I forgot about Seven Faceless Saints! I think that one was on an upstairs bookcase when I went downstairs to where 95% of my collection of books are! Lol.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  7. Nice list! After the Forest looks great. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  8. I like the cover for The Third Daughter. Thanks for stopping by earlier!
