
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday #93: Top 10 Books on my Spring 2023 To-Read List (or I NEED TO READ THESE BOOKS NOW)!



Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

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This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is Top 10 Books on my Spring 2023 To-Read List (or I NEED TO READ THESE BOOKS NOW)!

Man, it's been a while since I last did a top 10 To-Read list and I got a lot of new books to read since then!  So for this list, instead of focusing on books that are being released in the near future, I will be focusing on books that I have on my bookshelf that I haven't read yet and I seriously need to read those books first!

So, here are my top 10 Book on my Spring 2023 To-Read List (in no particular order of course)!

1. Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

This book has been on my shelf for MANY YEARS now and I still haven't gotten around to reading it yet!  Hopefully, 2023 will be the year that I finally read Rainbow Rowell's iconic "Carry On" series!


2. Warcross by Marie Lu

I also had this one on my bookshelf for years, but I never got around to reading it.  If I do, this will officially be my first book that I read from Marie Lu!



3. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

 This book I'm actually currently reading.  But, I haven't been reading this book for awhile now, even though I've been enjoying this book.  Better start back on reading "The Cruel Prince" again!


4. Belladonna by Adalyn Grace

This is one of the most recent books on this list and it's one that I just recently bought.  I'm really excited to start this book soon!


5. Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

So, I just recently got this book through Illumicrate (beautiful edition, by the way) and judging by the AWESOME AND CRAZY title of this book, I'm definitely looking forward to reading this book soon!


6. The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean

Another book that I received from Illumicrate and after marveling at this creepy and awesome cover, I'm definitely making an effort to read this book!


7. Book of Night by Holly Black

After reading "The Cruel Prince" (which I'm still reading), I'm actually much more interested in checking out more of Holly Black's works and "Book of Night" looks like a really interesting read!  Definitely worth checking out!


8. Eliza and her Monsters by Francesca Zappia

After reading "Made You Up," I fell in love with Francesca Zappia's writing and I just have to read more of her books!  So, "Eliza and her Monsters" is definitely next on my "BOOKS TO READ" list!


9. The Luminaries by Susan Dennard

Not only do I love the cover of this book (I'm a SKULLS person), but a lot of my fellow book bloggers have said that this book is amazing.  So, I'm really excited to read this book soon!


10. Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

I already read the first two books in the "Throne of Glass" series, so I'm really excited to continue reading this series soon, so that I would know what's going on with Celaena! 





  1. You've got some awesome books coming your way!

  2. I've heard of all of these books but I doubt I would read any of them but I hope you'll enjoy them. They do have interesting covers.

    Thank you for visiting my top ten tuesday. Have a lovely day.

  3. I follow you on IG!! Great list!!

  4. I hope you enjoy all of these when you get a chance to read them.

  5. I've read Carry on and Wayward Son but still have to finish the series with Any Way The Wind Blows!

  6. Hope you read and enjoy all of these.
