
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday #92: Top 10 Book Covers with Typography that Steals the Show (or the topic I've been waiting for)!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

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This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is Top 10 Book Covers with Typography that Steals the Show (or the topic I've been waiting for)!

So...books with creative typography?  Oh man!  This is the topic that I've been waiting for!  Now you guys know that I love creative book covers and any time there's a topic that showcases creative book covers, then I'm all for it!  So of course, I'm really excited to dive into some books with creative typography on the covers!

So, here are my top 10 Book Covers with Typography that Steals the Show (in no particular order of course)!


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