
Friday, August 6, 2021


Hey everyone!  So, I had started a Ko-Fi account many years ago and I've been trying to keep up to date with my account.  Recently, Ko-Fi had added a new feature on their site which is called "memberships" and here, you can sign up to become a member of anyone's Ko-Fi account if they signed up for the membership option.  I have decided to start up my own memberships page and if you are interested in becoming a member of my Ko-Fi account, then you can sign up for the membership option on my Ko-Fi account!

If you become a member of my Ko-Fi account, then you will get special perks like becoming apart of Rabbitearsblog's Ko-Fi community, giving you a shoutout on my social media (mainly Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram) and have your name posted on the "Top Golden Ko-Fi Supporters" here:


I have two tiers so far, which are the "Thank You" tier, which is only $1 per month and you get to become apart of the community, as well as get your name listed on the "Top Ko-Fi Supporters" on my book blog and the other tier is the "Glow" tier, which is only $3 per month and you get a shoutout on my social medias, as well as have your name showcased on the "Top Golden Ko-Fi Supporters" golden plaque up above!

So, if you are interested in becoming a member, then please sign up here:

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