
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday #88: Top 10 Creepy Animal Book Covers (or Covers that have the Creepiest Animals Ever)!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

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This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is Top 10 Creepy Animal Book Covers (or Covers that have the Creepiest Animals Ever)!

ANIMALS!  I just love reading about ANIMALS!  This week's theme is about listing books that are either about animals or have animals on the covers and I decided to go with listing the CREEPIEST covers that features animals on them (because I love anything CREEPY)!


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  1. Fun twist on the topic. I read somewhere that Pet Cemetery is King's creepiest book of all.

  2. Ooh i like how you did this with creepy covers. The High King's Tomb looks awesome- I read the first book in that series a while back...

  3. Good idea. I had been looking for a book with a cat on the cover for a reading challenge. Luckily, I just found one but the next time I need something like that, I know where to look. Thanks.

    My TTT.

  4. You took this topic and added your own delightful spin.

  5. Oooh, this is a fun twist on the topic! There are lots of creepy animals in books. PET SEMETARY is a perfect fit here.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  6. Love this twist on the topic. The Fox and the Crow is definitely a creepy one (and makes me really want to check out that book, haha!). The Prague Cemetery and Shardik are also both pretty eye-catching. I love all of these covers!

  7. This is such a great idea for this theme. I think Pet Semetary is the creepiest!

  8. Cool covers. I love the one for Crooked Kingdom.

  9. Oh my, I absolutely love your twist this week! These are indeed some creepy looking animals. The cover for Shardik looks so cool, though! I also really like all of the Serafina covers. The fox on the cover of The Fox and the Crow definitely looks like you shouldn't mess with him lol.

  10. I haven't seen some of these covers before. Great picks!
