
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday #81: Top 10 2020 Releases I Was Excited to Read but Didn't Get To (or basically all of them)!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is Top 10 2020 Releases I Was Excited to Read but Didn't Get To (or basically all of them)!

Hey everyone!  While 2020 has been a crazy year, there were a lot of fantastic books being released during that time!  UNFORTUNATELY THOUGH,  I didn't get the chance to read any of the books released in 2020 due to 2020 being a HORRIBLE reading year for me.  Hopefully, 2021 will be a better reading year for me and therefore, allow me a chance to read these ABANDONED BEAUTIES this year!




  1. Rent a Boyfriend looks like a fun read.

    My post.

  2. I am reading These Violent Delights at the moment! Finding the Shakespearean thing a little unnecessary but Shanghai and monsters in the river is great! These are the books I didn't get around to last year!

  3. I barely hit my 2020 Goodreads goal of 26! Only 26! Thanks for stopping by :)


  4. A Deadly Education is one that I am still considering.

  5. I've heard that The Other Side of the Sky is good but I haven't read it so I can't say for sure. Thanks for visiting.

  6. 2020 was horrible for me reading- wise. I did really like The Cousins though!

    Amazing cover For Notorious Virtues!

  7. I just got a copy of These Violent Delights through my OwlCrate so I'll definitely be reading it this year (maybe). I hope you get to all of these books this year and happy reading!! May 2021 put 2020 to shame :)

  8. Wow, Skyhunter by Marie Lu has such a great cover.
    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

  9. I hope you love these when you have a chance to get to them! Here's my post if you're interested:

  10. I really want to read that Marie Lu book. I hope 2021 is a better reading year for you. :)

  11. Love the cover of that Amie Kaufman book. So many books so little time, am I right? Hope you manage to get around to these. Happy reading! My TTT

  12. I hope you get to read all these! I wanted to read These Violent Delights, too, but that didn’t happen.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. I was really excited for The Notorious Virtues too. Hopefully it releases soon.

  14. All of these look so good! The covers are all so pretty! I hope you love all of them when you get to them ♡

  15. I can't wait to try The Notorious Virtues myself!

  16. Several of these look really appealing. As you know, A Deadly Education made my TTT list, and Among the Beasts and Briars is on my TBR list somewhere.
