
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday #80: Top 10 Goals and Hopes for 2021 (or here's to hoping that 2021 is a better year)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is Top 10 Goals and Hopes for 2021 (or here's to hoping that 2021 is a better year)!

Well everyone!  2021 is finally here and that means that it's time for a NEW START in the year!  Let's face it, 2020 was a HORRIBLE year and all I'm hoping for 2021 is that things get MUCH BETTER from this point on!

So, here are my top 10 Goals and Hopes for 2021 (in no particular order of course)!

1. Read 100 Books: Okay, so this is a goal that I've always struggled with for the past few years and I seriously want this to be the year where I actually read 100 books in one year!  Fingers crossed that I can reach this goal this year!

2.  Lose weight:  For YEARS I've struggled with my weight and I wanted to lose enough pounds where it becomes easier for me to do more activities without getting so tired all the time.  Hope I can lose a lot of weight this year!

3. Blog more:  I have a confession to make: 2020 marks the first year that I wasn't able to post over 100 posts for the year (YIKES! THAT'S TERRIBLE)!  So, with this NEW and NIFTY blog schedule that I set up for myself, I'm hoping to start blogging more this year!

4. Review more books:  ANOTHER CONFESSION TIME ALERT!  Lately, I have been in a reviewing slump and I wasn't able to review the books that I've been reading (although in 2020, I barely read any books as it was).  So, I'm hoping to change that this year but reviewing more books!

5. BUY MORE BOOKS!:  Seriously, I haven't been on a book buying spree ever since the virus started in 2020.  So hopefully, when things start settling down, I can actually start buying more books to satisfy my inner book demon!

6. Post on Instagram more often:  As you guys know, I have a Bookstagram where I love posting photos of my books!  But lately, I haven't been posting as many posts as I could have and I hate to admit it, but I haven't been feeling inspired enough to post photos lately.  I'm hoping to change that in 2021!

7. Do more bookish designs:  As you guys know, I have an ETSY, SOCIETY6 and REDBUBBLE account where I do digital artwork.  I'm hoping to do more bookish designs for each of these sites so that way all my bookish peeps will be able to own a bookish design of their own!

8.  Get a Job:  ANOTHER CONFESSION ALERT!  I haven't had a job since 2017 and I was able to get slightly by by doing digital artwork and beta reading to hold me over.  But, I wanted to try to get a real job this year so that way, I can pay my bills much easier and get better work benefits for myself.  Even if the job is online due to the current situation.

9. Get over 1,000 subscribers on YouTube: I know, I know.  This isn't really book related, but I really want to get over 1,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel because it will open up a lot more perks for me, like getting a community tab!  I was SO HAPPY that I was able to reach 500 subscribers on my channel and I'm hoping that I can cross the 1,000 subscriber threshold by the end of the year (although that's a long shot)!

10. Get over 500 followers for my book blog:  WOW! 500 FOLLOWERS?  That's a lot of followers, you are probably asking yourself!  Well, I've been blogging since 2012 and I wanted to see if I could reach 500 followers for this blog by the end of the year!




  1. Good luck with your weight loss and job hunting goals! I'm hoping to lose some weight and find work as well. :)

    My post.

  2. Best of luck reading 100 books this year! I really struggled with those goals, but learning to allow myself to DNF books and also branching out to read middle grade and graphic novels helped with that goal, and I've been much happier with my reading experience since then. :3

    Hey, 100 posts in a year is nothing to turn your nose up at! That's about a post every three to four days, which is pretty darn good, especially for a year like 2020. :P

    Instagram made my list, too. xD I'm so bad at remembering to post regularly lol. Have you tried Later? I finally caved and signed up, and it's been so much nicer taking one day to set up photos for the week.

    Here's my TTT post.

    Here's my TTT post.

  3. It's great that you made yourself a schedule to follow. I'm sure this will help to accomplish your goals to read more and blog more. And I hope you find your dream job!

  4. LOL. I love that buying more books is one of your goals! Most bloggers I know are vowing to do the opposite :) I love new books and I love supporting authors, but I still need to curb my spending - you can spend for me, okay?

    Happy TTT!

  5. Such great goals! Good luck with all of these. :)

  6. Good luck with all these, especially the weight loss and job hunt. These are such difficult times! These are my bookish New Year Resolutions, and some that I know I could not achieve!

  7. Good luck with these! I'm hoping to review more too this year after seriously dropping the ball in 2020.

  8. I am so bad about reviewing books as I finish them, too. Then I move on to another book and my resolve melts away. I really want to keep up on reviews this year.

  9. I used to review books on my blog. I would love to get back to doing that! It's barely all I can do to occasionally post these days, and a well-thought-out review? Forget it! Your goals are admirable and I hope you succeed!

  10. Most of us aim to NOT buy more books! LOL!! Good for you!

    I hope you get to reach all your goals and get those followers!

  11. I used to be able to read 100 books a year easily. Now I set my goal at 26! Good luck with your goals :) I hope you can stop by:


  12. You have lots of big goals for this year. I have found that I do best when I keep my goals small, so I'm focusing on a simple morning routine to start my day that is very small.

    Good luck!

  13. You have some really awesome goals for 2021 and I hope you are able to reach them. Good luck, I will be cheering you on!

  14. ok got your instagram link here and now I'm following. Where can I find your youtube? great goals! good luck!

    1. Thanks! Here's the link to my YouTube channel:

  15. You are fantastic! Buying more books in 2021 *whoohoo! I want to do quite the opposite *lol* Good luck with all your goals and thank you for sharing your etsy shop and your other shops with us. I will check them out. Stay safe and well.
