
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday #76: Top 10 Book Covers that Give off Fall Vibes (or Covers that give me that Fall Sensation)!

 Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is  "Top 10 Book Covers that Give off Fall Vibes (or Covers that give me that Fall Sensation)!"

So, it's finally here!  OCTOBER is finally here!  To celebrate the coming of a new month, I went with some book covers that have those fall vibes to them.  So, you may have noticed that most of the book covers on this list are either in orange colors or take place in the forest.  That's because whenever I think of the fall season, I think of the color orange and leaves!

So, here's my top 10 Book Covers that Give off Fall Vibes (in no particular order, of course)!


  1. Ooh, I love the cover for Forever!

    My post.

  2. So many gorgeous covers! My favorite is the cover for Forever! I haven't seen that one before, but it's stunning!

    Here's my TTT post.

  3. Betrayal has such a cool cover :)

    Thanks for stopping by today! xo

  4. Chasing Echoes is such a pretty cover!

  5. I like your picks, but I must say that Chasing Echoes looks particularly pretty <3

  6. Wonderful choices. I especially like Forever. I, too, think of October as orange.

  7. Great covers. My favourite would be the one by Nicholas Sparks. Looks so much like autumn.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  8. Ahh some lovely autumnal colours there! Good list. :D

  9. Forever always screams autumn to me! You chose some really pretty covers.

  10. Your first pick is really pretty, but isn't one I've heard of - makes me curious though! Oh, and the Nicholas Sparks one is all kinds of cozy autumn. :) Thanks so much for the visit to Finding Wonderland.
