
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday #73: Top 10 Questions I’d Ask My Favorite Author(s) (Or questions I REALLY want my favorite authors to answer)!


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is  "Top 10 Questions I'd Ask My Favorite Author(s) (or questions I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want my favorite authors to answer)!"  Do you know what it's like to ask a question towards your favorite author and they answer your question with no hesitation?  It's like the GREATEST THING EVER!!!!  Just the fact that your favorite author is answering YOUR QUESTION right in your face is like a dream come true for us book fans!  It's like they are acknowledging your EXISTENCE just by answering that one question!  Anyway, I'm always full of questions when it comes to meeting up with my favorite authors and I have a lot of questions to ask them!  Of course, I'm not going to list any specific authors that I would like to ask these questions to.  But rather, list questions that I would ask ANY author when I get the chance to meet them.

So, here's my top 10 Questions I'd Ask My Favorite Author(s) (in no particular order, of course)!

1.  What were your inspirations for writing your story?

2.  What character(s) did you enjoyed writing the most?

3.  What was the hardest part about writing your novel?

4.  What do you like to drink while you are writing your novel (Coffee, Tea, Soda, Coffee?)

5.  What do you like to eat while you are writing your novel (Cake, Sandwiches, Candy Bars, Sandwiches)?

6.  What is some advice you could give out that would help people with starting their own novels (I definitely need some help in this area)!

7.  What other genres would you like to tackle next?

8.  Do you get anxious if you don't finish your book on time?

9.  How do you promote your book to get more attention in the book community (honestly, I suck when it comes to social media, so this is something I really need help with)! 

10.  What was the best moment that happened to you after you published your novel (your novel got a movie deal, your novel was featured on the top books list)?




  1. OOh nice set of questions! I like these fun kinds of questions too!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I used to interview authors fairly frequently on my blog and my favorite questions to ask were about their writing process. It's fascinating to hear how different writers approach their job. What do they like to eat/drink while crafting? What time of day do they write? Do they get dressed up to "go to the office" every day or just write in their PJ's? It's just so interesting to me.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Oh! I love the questions about whether or not they write in their PJs! I tend to be in my PJs when I'm writing! It makes me feel more comfortable!

  3. Now you're making me crave sandwiches. Ha!

    My post .

  4. Great questions! I always love getting insights into the writing processes of my favorite authors. :)

    1. Me too! It helps me understand the writing process much better!

  5. Interesting questions. I think we could all do with answers to some of them. I liked how you asked about their drinks and their food.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  6. Great questions! I think #2, #8, and #9 are ones I'd be most interested in the answer to!

    1. Thanks! I especially would love to know how they promote their books so it would be easier for me to promote my writing!

  7. Great questions! Mmm, now I'm in a mood for sandwiches, for some inexplicable reason? Hmmm. xD Oooh, the promotion question is especially one I'd be interested in, too! Promotion is hard lol. I'll take all the advice I can get.

    Here's my TTT post.

  8. I always enjoy seeing which characters an author loves most :)

    Here's my TTT
