
Saturday, September 14, 2019

August Monthly Wrap Up (2019)

Off the Blog:

Hey everyone!  August was a pretty busy month for me!  First, I had to get some work done on my teeth, which took away a lot of my hard earn cash.  Then, I went to Soda City Comic Con for the weekend and I had a FANTASTIC time there, as I met a lot of awesome actors and actresses there like Kevin Conroy, the voice of Batman, Kathy Najimy, the one who played Mary Sanderson from "Hocus Pocus" and Michael Rooker, who played Yondu from "Guardians of the Galaxy!"  Hopefully, I'll be able to make a post about my Soda City Comic Con experiences this year some time in the future!  And last but not least, we celebrated my mom's birthday and we had a wonderful meal!  I got to eat some Nick's shrimp and chicken, which was quite delicious!

On the Blog:

Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of reading done this month since I was so busy with other activities as you can see above.  Hopefully, September will be a better month for me in terms of reading.

Books Read this Month:

Other Reviews and Activities Completed this Month: 










2019 European Reading Challenge:
2019 Beat the Backlist: 3
NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge 2019: 7
2019 Picture Book Reading Challenge: 15
2019 Humor Reading Challenge:
2019 Alphabet Soup Author Edition: 3

2019 Discussion Challenge: 1
2019 Diversity Reading Challenge: 3
2019 Color Coded Reading Challenge: 2
2019 Read It Again, Sam: 2
2019 12th Annual Graphic Novel / Manga Challenge: 

 Book Stats for August:

Total Number of Books Read: 1
Children's Books: 1
5 Star Reads: 1
Average Rating: 5
Male Authors: 0
Female Authors: 1
Unknown Authors: 0
Series: 0
Stand Alone: 1
Re-Reads: 0
Total NetGalley Books for the Year: 4
Total ARC Books for the Year: 2
Total Edelweiss Books for the Year: 3
Total Re-Reads for the Year: 2
Total Number of Books Read for the Year: 18

Genre Stats:

Humor: 1
Science Fiction: 0
Horror: 0
Fantasy: 0
Drama: 0
Family: 0
Romance: 0
Paranormal: 0
Contemporary: 0
Historical: 0
Total Science Fiction Books for the Year: 1
Total Humor Books for the Year: 8
Total Horror Books for the Year: 0
Total Fantasy Books for the Year: 4
Total Drama Books for the Year: 2
Total Family Books for the Year: 1
Total Romance Books for the Year: 2

Blog Stats for August: 


BEST OF THE MONTH: If the Shoe Fits by Deborah Guarino

Books Bought in August:

* I won one book in August and that was the Special Collector's Edition of Six of Crows, which I'm so excited to get!

September TBR:

* I'm still reading "The Cruel Prince," which is pretty good so far.  So hopefully, I'll be able to finish that book in September!

Favorite Blog Posts from Around the Blogosphere: 

☀  AJ @ Read All the Things!discusses about Reading And Walking: Maniac Magee
☀  Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addition discusses about Updating the Blog (a Little) and I Need Your Opinions! Let’s Discuss.
☀  Jessica @ a GREAT read discusses about Let's Discuss: Bookish Tattoos
☀  Greg @ Book Haven reviews The Christmas Card Crime And Other Stories  
☀  Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books discusses about #Reviewathon! and Reviewing Books
☀  Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight discusses about Shattering Stigmas 5.0: Join Me, Won’t You?  
☀  Genesis @ Whispering Chapters discusses about Gen's Recs: Enemies-to-Lovers
☀  Jenna @ Happy Indulgences discusses about MY BOOK BLOGGING PRESENTATIONS AT WHITSUNDAY VOICES

This will be linked to Feed Your Fiction Addiction's Monthly Wrap Up and A Cocoon of Books Best of the Bunch! 


  1. Birthday parties are fun and I'm glad you have a great meal too. I just bought Daughter of a Siren Queen last week as well as Warrior of the Wild to hopefully I will read those this year.

  2. Soda City Comic Con sounds like so much fun!! Glad you had a great August, even if it was a little busy. Thanks for sharing my post!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
