
Friday, August 9, 2019

[ARC REVIEW] The Fairy in the Kettle Gets Magical by Pauline Tait (@PTait_author)

Title:  The Fairy in the Kettle Gets Magical

Author:  Pauline Tait

ArtistDebbie Bellaby

Genre:  Fantasy / Adventure / Travel / Fairies

Year Published: 2019

Year Read: 2019

Publisher:  SilverWood Books

Series: The Fairy in the Kettle #3

Source:  eARC (NetGalley)

Content Rating:  Ages 4+  (Nothing Objectionable)

Buy on:  Amazon  //  Book Depository

I would like to thank NetGalley and SilverWood Books for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A few years ago, I had read a book called “The Fairy in the Kettle” by Pauline Tait, along with artwork by Debbie Bellaby.  So, imagine my surprise when I found out that this book was turned into a series and I actually got my hands on the third book in the series “The Fairy in the Kettle gets Magical” and it was quite a cute read!

One day, Leona the Kettle Fairy was being awakened by one of the other fairies and it was then that she knew that something was wrong.  When Leona met up with her friends and the elders, she finds out that the citizens of Fairy Glen were running out of fairy dust and they needed the fairy dust to maintain their powers.  So, Leona and her friends decided to go out of Fairy Glen and find the fairy dust to restore the fairies’ powers.

Pauline Tait has done a great job at writing this book as it was both cute and interesting to read through!  I liked the fact that this story is much more adventurous compared to the first book as the fairies have to go on a mission to save the fairies’ source of power.  I also loved the great friendship that Leona has with her friends as they go on missions together and I love how supportive they are of each other!  Debbie Bellaby’s artwork is adorable to look at as all the fairies look so cute and I loved the simplistic yet colorful look of the characters and the world that they live in.

The only problem that I had with this book was that the pacing was a bit slow at times and there was not a lot of action sequences in this book that would keep me interested.

Overall, “The Fairy in the Kettle gets Magical” is a great read for anyone who loves reading about fairies and magic in general!  I would recommend this book to children ages four and up since there is nothing inappropriate in this book.

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