
Friday, July 12, 2019

[ARC REVIEW] Snack Attack! by Terry Border (@PhilomelBooks)

Title:  Snack Attack!

Author:  Terry Border

Genre:  Children's / Food / Humor / Horror

Year Published: 2019

Year Read:  2019

Philomel Books  

Source:  eARC (Edelweiss)

Content Rating:  Ages 5+ (Some Scary Images)

Buy on:  Amazon  //  Book Depository

I would like to thank Edelweiss and Philomel Books for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Now, I had read a few children’s books that dealt with talking food and how they view human beings.  However, “Snack Attack!” by Terry Border was an extremely unique case where we actually get to see how the food items fear the human beings due to them being eaten by them.  “Snack Attack!” is definitely one book about food that children will definitely get a laugh out of!

The food items Cookie, Pretzel and Cheese Doodle had heard tales about Monster Kids who would come up and eat the food items for snacks.  But these three food items decided to come out of their packages and play around in the kitchen.  But unfortunately, the three food items stumbled upon a note from the Monster Kid’s mother that states that when her child comes back home, he or she can eat some of the snacks when they come home.  It was then that Cookie, Pretzel and Cheese Doodle have to come up with a plan to save themselves from the Monster Kid.

Can the food items escape their gruesome fate?

Read this book to find out!

Wow! Terry Border’s writing and artwork was quite creative and hilarious to look at!  I loved the way that Terry Border made the story both hilarious and intense at the same time as I was laughing along with the food items’ antics while being scared for their survival against the Monster Kid.  I also loved the concept about what would happen if food items become sentient and we get to see from their perspective about how they feel about being eaten by human beings (which is terrifying)!  Terry Border’s artwork was also highly creative as he uses realistic photographs of various food items and kitchen materials, while drawing some slight cartoonish expressions on the food items’ faces to give them some personalities.

Parents should know that there are some scary images in this book that might frighten smaller children.  There are some images that portray what the monster kid would look like from the food items’ point of view and the Monster Kid is often drawn as a terrifying blue creature with a long tongue that slurps up the food items.  Parents might want to read this book first before reading it to their children to see if this book would be okay for them.

Overall, “Snack Attack!” is a truly creative and entertaining book that children who love reading about food in general will definitely enjoy!  I would recommend this book for children ages five and up since there are some scary images that might frighten small children.

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