
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Bout of Books (25) Wrap Up!

**This is the overall list for the challenges offered during Bout of Books 25. Make sure you check the blog each day of the read-a-thon for instructions and details on how to complete the daily challenges**

Monday 5/13
Introduce yourself #insixwords

Books Read: 1 (Illuminae)
Pages Read: 20 pages (pages 1-20)  
Notes:  The book is a bit confusing with the unique narrative, but it's slowly growing on me.

Tuesday 5/14
Bookish favorites

Books Read: 1 (Illuminae)
Pages Read: 30 pages (pages 20-50)  
Notes:  The book is starting to get interesting now. I'm really loving Ezra and Kady so far!

Wednesday 5/15
Book plot emoji

Thursday 5/16
If this, then that

Friday 5/17
Favorite hero/favorite villain

Saturday 5/18
Share the love

Sunday 5/19
Stretch goal

I haven't been reading much this time around because I was preparing for my cousin's baby shower that week and I didn't have time to read any books.  Luckily though, "Illuminae" is proving to be a quick read since I made it to 50 pages, which is awesome!

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