
Friday, April 26, 2019

Can you read a series in a Month? Challenge!

Hello everyone! I'm participating in a reading challenge that is being hosted by Because Reading! 

The Rules:

  1. Pick 1 series. Yes, just 1. Announce which series you’ve picked on your sign up post and link it back here.
  2. Read EVERY book in the series. You don’t have to read novellas or short stories, just the core books.
  3. Read them all between 12am (your time) May 1st and 11:59pm (your time) May 31th. They MUST be marked (on Goodreads) as started and finished in the month of May to count.
  4. Enjoy bragging to everyone about how you’re all caught up on whatever series you read (AKA – have fun)! Use the hashtag #SeriesinaMonth

The series that I will read for this month is:

Daughter of the Pirate King Series!

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