
Thursday, March 21, 2019

[BOOK REVIEW] Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia by Herman Parish

Title:  Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia

Author:  Herman Parish

Artist: Lynn Sweat

Genre:  Children's / Humor / Cars / Birthday

Year Published: 1995

Year Read:  2019

Avon Camelot 

Series: Amelia Bedelia #13

Source:  Purchased

Content Rating:  Ages 4+  (Nothing Objectionable)

Buy on:  Amazon  //  Book Depository 

I have been reading the “Amelia Bedelia” books ever since I was little and I used to read this series at my school library.  I had actually forgot that I had owned one of the “Amelia Bedelia” books ever since I was little and it was a little book called “Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia,” which was written by Peggy Parish’s nephew, Herman Parish along with artwork by Lynn Sweat.  This book was such a treat to read through!

It was Amelia Bedelia’s birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Rogers decided to give Amelia Bedelia the day off to celebrate.  It was then that Amelia Bedelia told them that she will go and visit her cousin Alcolu and Mr. Rogers said that he will come with Amelia Bedelia to see her cousin.  Unfortunately, Amelia Bedelia has not driven a car in a while and whenever Mr. Rogers tried to give Amelia Bedelia directions to take on the road, Amelia Bedelia would either get everything mixed up or would take certain phrases seriously, such as when Mr. Rogers asks Amelia Bedelia to look for a fork in the road, Amelia Bedelia thought that Mr. Rogers meant to find silverware in the road.

Will Amelia Bedelia and Mr. Rogers be able to make it to the birthday party?

Read this book to find out!

Wow!  I never would have thought that Herman Parish would be able to bring out the same type of humor that was present in Peggy Parish’s “Amelia Bedelia” books! Herman Parish did a fantastic job at writing this book as we get to see more adventures from Amelia Bedelia and the Rogers and the adventures here are just as hilarious as ever! When it came to the “Amelia Bedelia” books, I was always laughing out loud at Amelia Bedelia constantly getting things mixed up or not quite understanding what other people are saying. So, when I came across a “Amelia Bedelia” book where Amelia Bedelia is learning how to drive, I just had to see how this situation will turn out with Amelia Bedelia at the helm!  Lynn Sweat’s artwork is truly cute to look at as I loved the clothing style of Amelia Bedelia herself as she is always dressed in a black dress with a white apron that shows off her status as the Rogers’ maid.

Overall, “Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia” is a treat to behold, especially if you are a huge fan of the “Amelia Bedelia” series!  I would recommend this book to children ages four and up since there is nothing inappropriate in this book.

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