
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Guest Post: Emma: Deliver your Published Blog Posts to your subscribers

Hello everyone!  I was asked by Emma to do a guest post on one of their articles and I have chosen their article on “Deliver your Published Blog Posts to your Subscribers!” I am very interested in finding out ways to deliver my blog posts to my subscribers so that way they would be able to see what kind of new content I have coming up.  So, here are some strategies in getting your published blog posts to your subscribers!

There are many marketers whose content marketing strategy is closely aligned with their email strategies. However, their content would be generated and published outside of their email platform by using a separate CMS or blog.  So, Emma is pleased to introduce a new feature that makes it much easier for marketers to add their published blog content into their mailings and landing pages!

     1. The New RSS Import Block:

The new RSS import block allows you to easily import published content from an RSS feed into a mailing or landing page.  The RSS is usually the most common tool to use for exporting published content from your CMS or blog onto other platforms.

      2.   Adding your blog to your mailings:

Instead of having to constantly copy or manually reproduce your blog content, the RSS import block will allow you to import your latest published posts into your mailing or landing page with ease.

     3.   Keeping your content consistent:

Having problems with your content being manipulated by unknown users?  By importing directly into Emma, your CMS content will be protected from being used by unknown users and will remain a consistent and reliable source for any research.

    4.   Getting started with the RSS import block

To get started on using the RSS import block, you must first create a new mailing or open up one that you already have.  Then, go to the sidebar and click and drag the RSS import block into your mailing.  Lastly, go and paste in your RSS feed URL, choose the number of articles to show and then check or uncheck the display settings for your articles’ “Title,” “Content,” “Published date,” and “Read more link.”

Well, those are the four ways to use Emma to deliver your published blog posts to your subscribers!  I am definitely going to use these four strategies to get my blog posts delivered to my subscribers!

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