
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

☀Daily Book Chat #31:☀ 20 Books I Need to read in 2019!

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my  ☀Daily Book Chat☀ where I do some SERIOUS discussions that fellow book fans will get a kick out of and relate their thoughts about the subject to other book fans!

Today's discussion question is 20 Books I Need to Read in 2019!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!  Wow, I actually did my first EVER daily chat on Christmas Day!  How AWESOME!!! Anyway, while I did managed to read a lot of books that I wanted to read, I still haven't read all my BABIES yet!  So, here's a list of 20 books that I need to read in 2019 ASAP!!

Well, that's the 20 books that I need to read in 2019!  What books are you planning on reading in 2019? always everybody:



  1. You have such a good list! I've decided to read through my reading list off Goodreads. :)

  2. Six of Crows and Illuminae are definitely on my list. I have a LOT of them, there are so many books on my physical TBR I need to get through, I'm not trying to place which ones are in 2019 at this point... I have over 400 books on my physical TBR, I think I need to weed through and have a serious soul-searching with myself and do a massive unhaul. (Gaaaaah, it hurts just thinking about it though!) :/ There is just no way I can read ALL THE BOOKS.

  3. I just read and loved the first two Illuminae books. I need to read Children of Blood and Bone in 2019 as well.

  4. There are SO many books on this list that I loved. The whole first row, especially! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  5. There are SO MANY books on this list that I loved! Don't you wish we had more hours in the day, so we could just read, read, read?!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
