
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

[ARC REVIEW] A.B.C. Worry Free by Noel Foy (@NCYI)

Title:  A.B.C. Worry Free

Author:  Noel Foy

Artist:  Olga and Aleksey Ivanov

Genre:  Children's / Self Esteem 

Year Published: 2018

Year Read:  2018

 National Center for Youth Issues

Source:  Physical Copy Received from Publisher

Content Rating:  Ages 5+ (One Intense Scene)

Buy or Add on:  Amazon  //  Goodreads

I would like to thank the National Center for Youth Issues for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I had previously read the book “Worry Says What?” from the National Center for Youth Issues and I really enjoyed that book!  It is always nice to have children’s books that deal with children being worried about certain situations and how they should handle it.  So, imagine my surprise and delight when the National Center for Youth Issues sent me a copy of “A.B.C. Worry Free” by Noel Foy along with artwork by Olga and Aleksey Ivanov and it was such a brilliant story that deal with the issue of being scared and worried!

The story starts off with a young boy named Max who loves playing hide and seek with his two best friends Casey and Sam.  During the game, Max found a hiding place among the bushes and believed that he found the best hiding spot when suddenly, a swarm of bees attacked Max and he ended up running to his mother after he got stung by the bees.  This incident was so traumatic to Max that he decided not to go outside at all and he even avoided his friends to do so.

Will Max ever go outside to play again?

Read this book to find out!

Wow!  This book was simply amazing!  As I mentioned before, it is nice to have children’s books that deal with the issues of being worried and scared of certain situations as many children do go through these situations every day.  Noel Foy had done a brilliant job at writing this book as the story is extremely relatable to children and adults who had been through a situation where an experience had traumatized them and they were afraid of going through that situation again for fear of being hurt again.  I can actually sympathize with Max in this story as I also got into certain situations that terrified me and I was so afraid of going through those experiences again that I never bother tried getting over my fear of that situation.  I also loved that fact that Noel Foy introduced a new strategy about how to deal with being worried called “A.B.C. Worry Free,” which basically means:

“A” stands for “Accept,”

“B” stands for “Breathe,”

And “C” stands for “Change.”

Olga and Aleksey Ivanov’s artwork are adorable to look at as all the characters look so cute, especially Max himself.  I also loved the way that Olga and Aleksey Ivanov drew the backgrounds in this book as they look truly realistic and fit so well with the heartwarming atmosphere of this book.

Overall, “A.B.C. Worry Free” is a truly fantastic book for children who also have to deal with being worried about certain situations and how to deal with being worried.  I would recommend this book to children ages five and up, since the scenes with Max being stung by bees might scare some smaller children.

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