
Friday, March 16, 2018

Book Blogger Hop #43: March 16th - March 22nd

Hello everyone! I'm participating in another book meme called the Book Blogger Hop which is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer!  Basically, you just answer weekly questions and then post up your link on the question's page.

This week's question is : 

 This week's question is submitted by Kitty @ Vicarious Bookworm.

Who is your favorite children's books author and why? 

My favorite children's authors are Henrik Drescher and Dr. Seuss!  Even though Henrik Drescher has worked on some adult books over the years, I have always enjoyed his offbeat sense of style in his children's books and they had inspired my own creativity regarding my works over the years!  I have also loved Dr. Seuss' works, especially "The Lorax" and "The Cat in the Hat" as they are highly creative and nonsensical at the same time!  So, I guess you can say that I'm a huge fan of surreal and creative children's books!

Henrik Drescher's Works:

Dr. Seuss' Works:  


  1. Oh nice! Haven't heard of the first one but know Dr. Seuss well! Many people have chosen him today!

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I haven't read either author and have only heard of Dr Seuss. The books by Henrik Drescher look fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a great weekend.

  3. I don't know Henrik Drescher, but the books look great.

    I bought OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO for my son's high school graduation and gave it to him again when he graduated from college. :) He definitely went places. )

    Nice post...thanks for sharing.

  4. I didn't like and still don't to this day like Dr. Seuss books. I maybe the odd one out on this but I enjoyed The Little Golden books. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hey, now I know where you got your funny profile pic from! :) :)

    I've never heard of Drescher, but his books SURE look like FUN!!

    Dr. Seuss is just AWESOME!! Unfortunately, I didn't know about him when I was a kid, but I know I would have LOVED all the quirky, funny stuff! Several of today's participants mentioned him, so he's very popular!

    Thanks for commenting on my own BBH post!! <3 :)

    1. You're welcome! If you want to get into Henrik Drescher's works, I would definitely recommend Simon's Book, Pat the Beastie and the Fool and the Flying Ship!

  6. Thanks Ronyell for letting your readers know about this Blog Hop! :)
    Henrick is new to me. I love Dr. Seuss, and March is his birthday/ Read Across America. Great picks! I will have to check out Henrick.

    1. Oh! I didn't know Dr. Seuss' birthday is in March! What a coincidence!

  7. I loved Dr. Seuss as a young reader!! Awesome list of books!! :D

  8. I've only heard of Dr. Seuss, but I don't think I've ever read any of his books.

    1. I would definitely check out The Cat in the Hat, How the Grinch Stole Christmas or the Lorax if you want to read some of Dr. Seuss' works!

  9. I love Dr. Seuss but I never have heard about Henrik Drescher his books looks and sounds like so much fun. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop last week.
