
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday #63: Top 10 Books I Could Re-Read Forever!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that was formerly created at The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This week's top 10 Tuesday topic is "Top 10 Books I Could Re-Read Forever!"  I have to say that there are like A MILLION books out there that I would hopelessly lay down on my reading bed and read until the day I DIE.  But, of course, I can only list 10 books that I would re-read like forever for this list.  You DON'T want to miss this list because these are books that you'll probably RE-READ FOREVER too!

So, here's my top 10 Books that I could Re-read forever (in no particular order, of course)!

1.  The "Saga" Series by Brian K. Vaughan:  This series is AWESOME!!!!  I just can't say this enough, because well, the characters and the world they live in is just full of pure AWESOMENESS and HILARITY and I'm going to re read this series until the DAY I DIE!!!

2.  The Astonishing X-Men Series by Joss Whedon:  Every X-Men fan knows that I LOVE this series like SWEET CANDY and I'm always CONSTANTLY recommending this series to any hardcore X-Men fan out there!  Definitely worth rereading! 

3. The Locke and Key Series by Joe Hill : YAAAASSSS!!!! This is like the best horror comics I had ever read and whenever Halloween rolls around the corner, expect me to be re reading this series over and over again!

4. The Sandman Series by Neil Gaiman:  Wow, another GRAPHIC NOVEL on this list?  Well, that's why I LOVE 'EM!  Anyway, this is another graphic novel series that's full of horror and creativity in the land of dreams that is MOST DEFINITELY worth the reread! 

5.  A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness:  Well, LOOKEE here!  I just finished this book a few days ago and it's already on my list of books to REREAD FOREVERMORE!!  Just the fact that the story is about the main character dealing with his mother's cancer and having all his NEGATIVE feelings calling up a MONSTER of EPIC PROPORTIONS is enough to reread over and over again!

6. Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips:  This is the ULTIMATE contemporary romance that I will spend my entire LIFE reading over and over again!  Spunky Female Protagonist? CHECK!  Sexy Russian Hero? DOUBLE CHECK!!

7.  Made You Up by Francesca Zappia:  Alright, this book has a special place in my HEART because it was the first book I've read that dealt with a protagonist with mental health issues.  Not to mention, having the COOLEST romantic couple EVER in YA lit!  Definitely worth the reread!

8.  Alice by Christina Henry:  Sure, this book got LOADS of RAPE and VIOLENCE, but it was quite a SURPRISE hit for me and I'm definitely planning on rereading this book down the line!

9.  The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling:  This is the ULTIMATE childhood collection that needs some serious REREADING and I have a feeling that after I reread the WHOLE series for the SECOND time around, I will be rereading this book for all eternity!

10. The Fool and the Flying Ship by Eric Metaxas:  And last but DEFINITELY not least, this TREASURED BEAUTY I had in my bookshelf for DECADES now!  This story is just so hilarious and the late ROBIN WILLIAMS just pulls in an awesome performance with this book!  HECK, I'm still rereading this BEAUTY to this very day!


  1. I'm seeing Harry Potter on a lot of lists. That world is just so amazing though. I haven't read any of the others but I will have to check them out.

    Thanks for the visit,
    Elena @ The Novelistics

  2. I want to read MADE YOU UP but I keep forgetting to do it. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. A Monster Calls almost made my list! I have read it a handful of times, and it always breaks me. I really want to read Made You Up! Awesome list!

  4. Nice list! I guess Harry Potter is going to be on everyone's list today :D

    I can't re-read books.. like ever. Simply because my unread TBR is higher than the books that I have actually read! Yes, no time to re-read :D

    1. Yeah! Harry Potter rules! I do get that fear that if I reread books, then it will prevent me from reading the newer books. But, it's worth it in the end!

  5. I need to read A Monster Calls! I've heard good things! :)

    Great list!

  6. Besides HP, I've only read A MONSTER CALLS off your list. I didn't love it as much as everyone else, but I do really like Gaiman. My favorite, I think, is THE GRAVEYARD BOOK. CORALINE scared the crap out of me -- I shouldn't have read it while I was alone in the house. Ha ha. I'm such a wimp!

    1. I loved the Graveyard Book and Coraline and I need to reread these books too!

  7. Is it sad that I haven't read any of these books? Nice list!

  8. I haven't read Made You Up yet but I'm super excited to!
    My TTT:

  9. Omggg I loved Made You Up! I actually was planning to reread it last year and didn't, so it should definitely go on this year's list! And I want to read Saga so bad. Everyone raves about it and YET I HAVEN'T READ IT YET. Shame on me.😂😂 Also A Monster Calls is perfect and heartbreaking and I love it. <3

    1. YAAASSSS! Another Made You Up fan! I need to be reintroduced to this book! And I got to finish Saga! AAARRRGGGGHHH!!! I can't believe I'm so behind on that series!!!

  10. I love these, Made You Up is a book I keep forgetting about so thanks!

  11. I need to read Made You Up soon! I loved Eliza and Her Monsters and I cannot wait to read more by Francesca.
